Plant & Works Engineering Annual Buyer's Guide 2024

10 | Plant & Works Engineering Annual Buyers’ Guide 2024 Insight Alongside the steadfast offerings that have long been the backbone of maintenance practices, there is a noticeable surge of interest in automation technology, a phenomenon particularly pronounced in the broader context of digitalisation and its intricate interconnectivity within the industry. At the forefront of this transformative wave is the concept of Maintenance 4.0, an evolution within the Smart technology framework that is poised to redefine how maintenance processes are conceptualised and executed. Maintenance 4.0 goes beyond the conventional, ushering in an era where datadriven insights, predictive analytics, and interconnected systems converge to elevate maintenance practices to unprecedented levels of efficiency and effectiveness. The UK, while undeniably a player in the global industrial landscape, has sometimes Navigating the future: The digital transformation of plant maintenance in the UK In the ever-evolving world of plant maintenance equipment and services, the landscape is marked by increased demand for essential solutions that play a pivotal role in sustaining key sectors, both domestically in the UK and beyond. As industries strive for greater efficiency and productivity, a notable shift is taking place. PWE offers an overview of the growing significance of Maintenance 4.0.