Power Electronics Europe Feb/ March 2024

12 AUTOMOTIVE POWER www.vicorpower.com Issue 1 2024 Power Electronics Europe www.power-mag.com compact size reduces the overall DC-DC converter footprint and their efficiency and density bolster performance (Figure 4). This augments vehicle range and enables new architectures to enhance safety. High-density power modules unlock creative opportunities and deliver performance and scalability in a way far superior to discrete solutions. Power modules provide up to 3x more power density, enable easy scalability and deliver higher transient speeds that can support down-sizing or removing the 12V/48V auxiliary battery altogether. The BCM (Figure 6) steps down the high-side voltage and multiples the current while providing isolation in a power-dense, highly efficient converter. The BCM is a ratiometric device, where the output is a ratio of the input by a K factor. For example, if the source is 800V in a parallel configuration, the K factor would be 1/16, therefore the low-side voltage is the high-side voltage divided by 16, and the output current is the high-side current multiplied by 16. The Dual-400V series-stacked system uses a similar BCM, however the K factor is 1/8. The DCM3735 regulator takes the voltage from the BCM and provides a tightly regulated output that can charge a capacitor or battery (Figure 5). The combination of BCMs and DCMs enables designers the flexibility to create space and weight efficient, redundant power networks in EVs. Vicor technology can provide 4kw of 800V to 12V power supply in less than 0.9 L. As seen in Figure 4 this system weighs less than 1 kg, and can enable further weight savings by enabling the downsizing of the 12V back-up battery. Consumers want to purchase EVs, but many have reservations. At the top of the list are range and charging convenience. These are not easy problems to solve, but new innovations in power architectures and power density are helping tremendously. Compact power delivery network innovation save weight, which can improve range. Also, the introduction of power modules provides creative latitude and simpler ways to reduce size and weight, which also can deliver more range. The power module is important to solving range, reliability and safety issues. Its scalability and small size adds immense flexibility to designing a power system. Figure 4: This 4kW DC-DC converter uses 2 Vicor BCM6135 and 2 DCM3735 (located on the underside of the board) to convert 800V power to 12V power in a package that weighs 0.08 kg and in a volume of only 0.8575 L. This can be configured into 2 redundant power supplies of 2 kW each, or paralleled with another unit to create a redundant 4 kW power supply. Figure 6 BCM® bus converter. BCMs are high-density, highefficiency, fixed-ratio (nonregulating) isolated DC-DC converter modules. The family extends from 800V or 400V to 48V inputs with various K factors to suit a wide range of applications period. The BCM provides the greatest power density for high-voltage battery conversion to lowvoltage networks. The BCM product family leverages Vicor Sine Amplitude Converter™ technology that results in high-efficiency performance in miniaturized modules. Vicor develops BCMs to match the 400V or 800V battery. Vicor BCMs can be used in arrays to scale to the necessary power requirements. Figure 5: The DCM3735 is a non-isolated, regulated DC-DC converter with an input range of 35-58V. It offers constant current operation for battery charging, comes in a compact package (36.6 x 35.4 x 7.4mm) and can be used in array. When combined with innovative architectures power modules are a catalyst to rapidly advance the long-term adoption of today’s battery electric vehicles. Sources: 1 Kane, Mark (May 10, 2023) “Europe: Plug-In Car Sales Accelerated In March 2023”, INSIDEEVS