Hydraulics & Pneumatics Magazine June 2024

www.hpmag.co.uk June 2024 p20 p16 Hillhead Show Preview The good, the bad and the future of generative AI Exploring the potential & challenges of electrohydraulic systems p34 Advanced diagnostics in electro-pneumatic systems

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Cutting-edge innovations shine at Fluid Power & Systems and Air-Tech EDITOR’S COMMENT www.hpmag.co.uk HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2024 3 The Fluid Power & Systems and Air-Tech Exhibitions at Smart Manufacturing & Engineering Week 2024 provided a comprehensive platform for industry professionals to explore the latest technologies, share knowledge, and address the pressing challenges facing the sector. ‘ ’ Having attended the Fluid Power & Systems and Air-Tech events, alongside Drives & Controls, at the NEC on 5-6 June as part of Smart Manufacturing & Engineering Week 2024, it was evident that there was a considerable amount of new technology and educational content on display. Fluid Power & Systems and Air-Tech specifically offered an in-depth look into the latest advancements in hydraulic and pneumatic technology for both industrial and mobile markets. Readers of Hydraulics & Pneumatics would have found much of interest across these events, including the adjoining Smart Factory Expo, Maintec, and Design Engineering Expo. Strategic partner for Smart Manufacturing & Engineering Week 2024, The British Fluid Power Association (BFPA), had a major presence at the event which included a dedicated stand with representatives available to engage with members and prospective members, offering insights into their education and training courses and delivering presentations on key topics. Chris Butcher, BFPA Managing Director, emphasised the event’s value for members to showcase their products and technologies, highlighting how the fluid power industry has gone through a significant technology transition with the integration of electronics, robotics, mechatronics, and the high level of automation and control across many market sectors. Smart Manufacturing & Engineering Week 2024 addressed key issues facing manufacturing and engineering businesses today, regardless of their market sector. The events collectively focused on themes such as innovation, supply chain management, sustainability, digital transformation, and the development of people and skills. Overall, the Fluid Power & Systems and Air-Tech Exhibitions at Smart Manufacturing & Engineering Week 2024 provided a comprehensive platform for industry professionals to explore the latest technologies, share knowledge, and address the pressing challenges facing the sector. The events underscored the importance of hydraulics and pneumatics in driving innovation, improving efficiency, and fostering sustainable practices. However, the forthcoming election will shape the landscape for manufacturing and engineering industries in the UK for the next 5 years and we may see potentially significant shifts, depending on the policies of the newly elected government. Potential changes in trade policies, funding for technological advancements, and regulations around sustainability and digital transformation could either bolster or challenge the sector. Industry leaders and associations will need to closely observe the new administration’s approach to support and develop the manufacturing and engineering sectors. The outcomes of the election could influence future events like Smart Manufacturing & Engineering Week, shaping the themes and priorities to align with the new political and economic context. Aaron Blutstein Editor

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www.hpmag.co.uk HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2024 5 CONTENTS EDITORIAL Editor: Aaron Blutstein t| 01732 370340 e| editorial@dfamedia.co.uk Content Sub Editor: Leslah Garland t| 01732 370340 e| leslah.garland@dfamedia.co.uk SALES Sales Manager, UK & Overseas: Andrew Jell t| 01732 370347 e| andrew.jell@dfamedia.co.uk Italian Sales Office: Oliver & Diego Casiraghi t| 031 261407 f| 031 261380 e| info@casiraghi.info Turkey: Intersmart Media meltem@intersmartmedia.co.uk Managing Director: Ryan Fuller t| 01732 370344 e| ryan.fuller@dfamedia.co.uk Production Manager & Designer: Chris Davis t| 01732 370340 e| chris.davis@dfamedia.co.uk Reader/Circulation Enquiries: Perception t| +44 (0) 1825 701520. e| dfamedia@dmags.co.uk Marketing Manager Hope Jepson e| hope.jepson@dfamedia.co.uk Operations Manager: Emma Godden-Wood e| emma.godden-wood@dfamedia.co.uk Financial: Finance Department e| accounts@dfamedia.co.uk Chief Executive Officer: Ian Atkinson e| ian.atkinson@dfamedia.co.uk Published by: DFA Media Group 192 The High Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1BE t| 01732 370340 e| info@dfamedia.co.uk w| www.hpmag.co.uk In co-operation with Printer: Warners, UK © Copyright 2024, DFA Manufacturing Media Ltd ISSN 1366-1981 H&P is a controlled circulation magazine, published 8 times a year. Please contact DFA Media with any subscription enquiries. Paid subscriptions are also available on an annual basis at £110.00 (UK), £145.00 (Europe) or £180.00 (Rest of the World) P+P included. The content of this magazine, website and newsletters do not necessarily express the views of the Editor or publishers. The publishers accept no legal responsibility for loss arising from information in this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced or stored in a retrieval system without the written consent of the publishers. 16 24 6 NEWS 14 THE FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL AIRSHOW PREVIEW 16 HILLHEAD PREVIEW Hillhead 2024, taking place from 25-27 June at its quarry location in Buxton, is poised to bring the latest advancements in site connectivity and autonomy to life. This year’s event will be especially notable as it will feature an autonomous truck in action for the first time, marking the most extensive range of demonstrations in the event’s history. H&P reports. 20 KNOWLEDGE BASE Stephen Hayes explores the benefits and risks of introducing generative AI into your manufacturing process. 22 APPLICATIONS 24 HYDRAULICS Understanding hydraulic hose cleaning is an important process. Preventing debris and contamination from entering a hydraulic system is an important part of maintaining its health and keeping hydraulic powered machinery moving. Andy Harding explains a little more about the hydraulic hose flushing process and why this is carried out. 30 PNEUMATICS 32 INTEGRATED SYSTEMS 36 COMPRESSED AIR 38 BFPA Hydraulics & Pneumatics’ issue-by-issue briefing on current activities and views involving the British Fluid Power Association. 40 BCAS Our regular news and events update on the British Compressed Air Society. 42 NEW FACES 46 PRODUCTS & SERVICES DIRECTORY 32 Subscribe for your FREE copy now

NEWS 6 HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2024 www.hpmag.co.uk First 100 days of new Government must see five key commitments Britain’s manufacturers are calling on the next Government to match their ambition for growth with a bold economic vision that puts the importance of the economy across every Ministerial portfolio. Publishing its manifesto Make UK believes that the centrepiece of this vision must be a bold, long-term industrial strategy announced within the first hundred days, along with four other specific policy measures. In particular, this strategy must embrace a skills revolution throughout the education and training system to provide future talent, as well as the upskilling and retraining of the current workforce. According to Make UK, such a vision is essential given the huge changes in the policy landscape, the need to shock the UK economy out of its anaemic holding pattern and, take advantage of the opportunities provided by rapidly accelerating technologies, investment in infrastructure and the move to a greener economy. A policy framework for the economy beyond 2030 is also essential to counter the march of the US and China in green technologies in particular, as well as the need to make the UK as attractive a destination as possible for investment given the rate at which other countries are gearing up. The five specific measures Make UK is calling for in the first hundred days of the next Government are: 1. Announce a long-term modern Industrial Strategy to underpin all economic policymaking which has cross Government commitment. This should be backed by the reintroduction of an Industry Strategy Council and a new Cabinet Office backed Committee to ensure the implementation of the Strategy across Government. 2. Align the UK CBAM (Carbon Border adjustment Mechanism) with the EU CBAM in terms of timescale and design to provide a level playing field with the EU. 3. Commence a root-and-branch review of the Apprenticeship Levy as a funding mechanism, as well as the wider apprenticeship system. 4. Re-establish an updated, modern Manufacturing Advisory Service. 5. Establish a mechanism for ongoing and active consultation with industry to decide where it is appropriate to maintain alignment with EU regulatory changes or, where opportunities for divergence might apply. Commenting, Make UK CEO, Stephen Phipson, said: “The policy landscape in which manufacturers operate has changed significantly in recent years and more changes are yet to come, from the transition to net zero to rapidly accelerating and game-changing technological change. To keep up with these changes and, take advantage of the many opportunities ahead, not to mention the threats from other countries we need a vision from the next Government which recognises the scale of these challenges. “This vision must include a long-term, robust, modern industrial strategy that will withstand political chop and change and goes beyond 2030. Any plan should go beyond parliamentary cycles, be cross Government, and be driven by industry, for industry.” According to Make UK, the overall economic vision should be driven by ten key themes which are included in the manifesto. These are: 1. A long-term and robust industrial strategy 2. Maximising the opportunities of a net zero economy 3. Grow and develop future manufacturing talent 4. Retrain and upskill the current workforce 5. Unlock innovation, support commercialisation and accelerate digital adoption and automation 6. Create the right conditions for business to invest 7. Boost manufacturing exports across the globe (anything about EU barriers?) 8. Invest in physical and digital infrastructure 9. the Future Factory with AI 10. Make supply chains more resilient AEMT gives access to equality, diversity and inclusion resources As part of its focus on the topic through the Association’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) committee, the Association of Electrical & Mechanical Trades (AEMT) has made a series of helpful resources available on its website. With support from its members, the AEMT’s EDI committee aims to drive, support and promote equality, diversity and inclusion within the electromechanical sector. Research conducted by EngineeringUK indicates that women make up only 16.5% of the engineering workforce, significantly lower than their 51% representation in the working-age population. Furthermore, the research showed that only 9% of engineers come from minority ethnic groups, compared to 12% in the general population, and the same percentage report having a disability or impairment, which is less than the national average of 14%. Additional research conducted by UniFrog found that EDI and mental health support are important to over 50% of the 11,000 Gen-Z students they surveyed. Given the engineering sector’s significant skills gap, emphasising EDI could expand the talent pool and address recruitment challenges. Alongside the moral imperative, the commercial rationale for embracing EDI in engineering is clearly there; however, many organisations within the sector are unclear on how they can improve their position, and this new collection of resources aims to help them increase their EDI capability. Among the resources accessible

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8 HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2024 www.hpmag.co.uk NEWS Apprentices at leading engineering training centre Oxfordshire Advanced Skills, based at the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s Culham Campus, have come up with innovative design concepts to help people with disabilities in the final of the Emma Wiggs Challenge 2024. Double paralympic champion Emma Wiggs MBE, who launched the competition for a second time following the success of last year’s event, was one of the judges assessing the entries which showcased how design engineering can be used to improve life for people with disabilities. Since her mobility was impaired overnight by a virus at the age of 18, Emma has dedicated herself to paralympic sport, inspiring others with her determination and positive mindset. Currently in training for the 2024 Paralympics in Paris, she has become a trailblazer for paracanoeing in the UK. Her impressive track record includes gold medals at both the Rio and Tokyo Paralympics. Emma had previously tasked the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), which provides training for the Oxfordshire site, to design a bespoke canoe paddle with which she achieved gold at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Through the Emma Wiggs Challenge, a competition designed in partnership with MTC Training and OAS, learners have been creating design solutions around everyday tasks which someone with a disability might find challenging. The apprentices worked on their design concepts individually or in small teams, supported by virtual workshops with Emma who was on hand to answer questions, allowing them to refine their designs. The winning entry was Sense-Aid designed by Sophie Walters. Inspired by her own personal experience with autism, and others in the autistic community, the new product aims to help autistic adults find comfort and grounding in times of stress. The wrist band, which is produced from different fabrics, and refined using research, community surveys, and CAD, is designed to support and empower autistic adults with a practical, portable product in a market which offers through the AEMT’s website, and in addition to four mental health awareness courses open to members, are a downloadable stress toolkit designed to help employers manage and reduce stress in their workplace and a guide to recognising the strengths of neurodivergent colleagues. Employers looking to support staff with their mental health can access a guide to mental health at work from the Federation of Small Businesses and the charity Mind, as well as a guide to supporting staff who are experiencing a mental health issue, also from Mind. A poster encouraging staff to ask for help if they are struggling and links to mental health and wellbeing trainers are also available. Plus, visitors can download an example equality and diversity policy and a guide to using inclusive language. Commenting on the new resource toolkit, Thomas Marks, General Manager and Secretary of the AEMT, said: “This collection of resources, which is available to both members and nonmembers and will be added to over time, underscores the AEMT’s commitment to supporting its membership and driving best practice across the wider electromechanical engineering sector.” Paralympian Emma Wiggs inspires apprentices in design challenge Pictured: (From left to right) Finalists in the Emma Wiggs Challenge: Owen Green, Marian Bumbar, Thomas Potts, Sophie Walters, Luke Scofield and Maïann Seymour with Paralympic Champion, Emma Wiggs MBE.

10 HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2024 www.hpmag.co.uk NEWS primarily child-centred solutions. The runner-up project was Brush designed by the team of Thomas Potts, Luke Scofield and Owen Green. The team identified a universal problem for wheelchair users; that of dirt building up on tyres and the challenge of cleaning them before going into a building. Brush is an easy-to-clip-on unit which cleans as it goes and is 3D printed using PLA (polylactic acid) and flexible TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane). The brush is replaceable and can be easily detached for use as a standard manual brush. The highly commended finalist was The Braille Knife designed by Marian Bumbar. The inspiration for Marian’s project came from imagining the daunting task of selecting the right knife in the kitchen, without the sense of sight. Apart from the obvious safety considerations, this also involves gauging texture and functionality through other senses. Marian’s solution is the Braille Knife. Made with strong, lightweight titanium blades which feature Braille language engraved directly onto the handle, the design empowers those with impaired vision confidently to select the appropriate utensil. Emma Wiggs said: “It’s been a privilege to come back to OAS and work with the first-year apprentices on the second Emma Wiggs Challenge. Once again, I have been absolutely blown away by the unique solutions that the finalists have produced. “As I train for my own next challenge of qualifying and competing at the Paralympics in Paris, I’ve been delighted to work with and advise the apprentices on their projects and have been truly inspired by the way they have approached the task, including their research to understand and identify some of the challenges affecting people with all types of disabilities. “The way they have then been able to apply all their newly found engineering skills, to come up with these fantastic, innovative solutions makes me very proud of all their collective efforts and the support of all the staff and trainers at OAS.” Emma Johnstone, head of finance and operations at OAS, added: “I couldn’t be more proud of the way in which our firstyear apprentices have embraced the challenge. It’s been so rewarding to see how they have been inspired by working with Emma Wiggs to create these concepts to help improve daily life for people with disabilities. I’d like to thank the MTC Training engineering trainers who have mentored the competitors as they have tackled the challenge of progressing their original ideas into workable, presentable designs.” Dame Judith Hackitt Chair of the Enginuity Board is calling on engineering and manufacturing employers to pledge their support in addressing 5 key priorities in Enginuity’s new ‘Manifesto for Change’. A decade in the making, Enginuity’s ‘Manifesto for Change’ is based on in-depth knowledge of the UK engineering and manufacturing sector that currently ranks 8th worldwide*. It calls for a multi-stakeholder collaborative approach between policymakers, employers, and education providers. Make UK, SDE Technology, Automate UK and the Design and Technology Association are among those that have already pledged their support. The leading ‘sector connector’ charity, Enginuity pinpoints five priority actions that will secure the future of UK engineering and manufacturing and build a worldclass sector: 1. Make qualifications and learning more flexible with a focus on key transferable skills. 2. Incentivise recruitment in priority industries with skills shortages. 3. Ensure that funding for technical and vocational education, standards, and qualifications is commensurate with the critical need to upskill and reskill the engineering and manufacturing workforce. 4. Establish a skills observatory using data and AI to analyse cross-sector and sector-specific needs. 5. Refine the Apprenticeship Levy in England and make funding systems more transparent for engineering and manufacturing employers across the UK. Dame Judith Hackitt OBE, Chair of the Enginuity Group, said: “None of us can know exactly what the future’s engineering and manufacturing jobs will look like, but we know they will be different from today’s. Now is the time to act. If we do nothing, the sector will survive, but it will fail to thrive, and we will fail in our endeavour to be a leading global player in engineering and manufacturing.” Ann Watson, Chief Executive of Enginuity, added: “The engineering and manufacturing sector is staring in the face of challenges and opportunities. In order to meet them head-on, we need employers, training centres, educational institutions, and policymakers to work together. If we act now, we can prepare the existing workforce and attract a whole new generation of engineering talent.” Action to tackle UK engineering skills gap

www.hpmag.co.uk HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2024 11 Nero, a leading stockholder of stainless steel pipes, fittings, valves and flanges, has expanded its operations to meet a growing demand for its products. Following over £250,000 of investment, the company has doubled the size of its West-Midlands warehouse. Spanning 40,000ft2, the facility enables Nero to stock new products, including stainless steel push-in fittings and instrumentation fittings. It also has capacity to stock a larger range of pipe sizes, which are now available from ? inch through to 16 inches along with suitable butt weld fittings and flanges. An adjoining unit has been refurbished and remodelled to increase the space. The expanded warehouse features high level racking, a new overhead crane to handle larger product loads, and a saw providing a pipe cutting service. Speaking about expansion, Darryl SpencerHicks, Nero’s Operations Director, said: “As a business, we have experienced year-on-year growth for a decade. In response, we have introduced a raft of new products to meet our customers’ needs, so the time was right to increase our stockholding capacity. “A lot of this growth has been driven by the chemical industry which requires larger bore pipes and fittings to move higher volumes of fluid. Sales of push-in fittings are also rising as these are used in the air pneumatics of machinery, including control panels for mixing chemicals and fluids. “As Nero continues to expand, so will our products to ensure we keep up with the pace of customer demand.” Nero doubles its operations to meet customer demand

NEWS 12 HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2024 www.hpmag.co.uk Made Smarter, an initiative connecting manufacturers with technology and skills, has launched a national awards programme to recognise digital transformation among SME manufacturers. The Made Smarter Adoption Awards aim to celebrate companies that have embraced technology and skills to digitalise, decarbonise, and drive growth. Winners have been selected from regional adoption programmes in the North West, West Midlands, North East, and Yorkshire and Humber. The regional winners advancing to the national awards include: Firstplay Dietary Foods, a specialist food manufacturer based in Stockport, won the Made Smarter North West award. Bridge Cheese, a cheese manufacturer based in Telford, won the Made Smarter West Midlands award. heliguy, a drone manufacturer based in North Shields, won the Made Smarter North East award. Choc Affair, a chocolatier based in York, won the Made Smarter Yorkshire and Humber award. These companies will now compete in the national awards, with the overall winner to be announced in Liverpool on 27 June. Brian Holliday, Co-Chair of the Made Smarter Commission, commented on the awards’ launch, stating: “The Made Smarter Awards celebrate digital transformation among SME manufacturers. It is with great pride that we see these inaugural awards taking place this year. I congratulate all winners and nominees across the regions as we celebrate the successes the Made Smarter adoption programme has supported.” He highlighted the programme’s impact, including the creation of thousands of new jobs, the adoption of multiple digital technologies, and the empowerment of future digital leaders through skills and leadership training. Holliday also noted the planned expansion of the programme into more regions in 2025, aiming to boost manufacturing productivity, increase exports, strengthen UK supply chains, create new value streams, and reduce CO2 emissions. In the North West, Firstplay Dietary Foods won the award for the Greater Manchester area, with other area winners including Weaver Dane Ltd (Cheshire), McMenon Engineering Services Ltd (Cumbria), Logs Direct Ltd (Lancashire), and Spice Kitchen Online Ltd (Liverpool). Tom Fletcher, Managing Director of Firstplay Dietary Foods, praised the support from Made Smarter, saying it helped create a digital roadmap, invest in automation, and embed new digital leadership skills. In the North East, heliguy won the North East LEP Combined Authority area award, while The Expanded Metal Company, based in Hartlepool, won the Tees Valley Combined Authority area award. Sam Barnes, Product Development Manager at heliguy, noted the significant impact of Made Smarter on their business, including funding for machinery and engagement with training programmes. In Yorkshire and Humber, Choc Affair won the North Yorkshire area award, with other area winners including JW Rose Bakers (South Yorkshire), Kirkstall Precision Engineering (West Yorkshire), and Detech Europe (East Yorkshire). Julian Barrie, Managing Director of Choc Affair, highlighted the ease of the process with Made Smarter and the invaluable support and financial assistance received. In the West Midlands, Bridge Cheese won the Marches area award, with other area winners including D.A.R.L Engineering (Coventry and Warwickshire), Advanced Innovative Engineering (UK) (Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire), Reynolds Blinds (Greater Birmingham and Solihull), Metal Assemblies (The Black Country), and G&O Springs (Worcestershire). Michael Harte, Managing Director of Bridge Cheese, emphasised the role of Made Smarter in enabling and accelerating their business’s growth through investment in new technology and the creation of a digital roadmap. The national awards programme by Made Smarter showcases the commitment and progress of SME manufacturers in adopting digital technologies and skills to enhance their operations and drive future growth. National awards programme launched by Made Smarter to honour SME Manufacturers’ digital transformation

14.30pm Wednesday 26th June - Are robots a worthwhile investment for SMEs? 10.00am Tuesday 10th September - Machine safety: what are the latest regulations? 10.00am Tuesday 12th November - How smart maintenance can slash operating costs? Contact us for more information: Damien Oxlee T: 01732 370342 E: damien.oxlee@dfamedia.co.uk

THE FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL AIR SHOW 2024 PREVIEW 14 HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2024 www.hpmag.co.uk Five days of innovation and sustainable aerospace advancements platform and revolutionise the next era of the industry. I look forward to welcoming the world’s biggest, best, and brightest to Farnborough in July this year.” A key highlight of the 2024 event will be the return of the award-winning Aerospace Global Forum (AGF). This global platform aims to champion change and drive immediate action towards a netzero economy. AGF will host high-level keynote sessions from leaders across the aerospace ecosystem, focusing on sustainability and defence. Additionally, the event will feature thought leadership discussions, panel talks, and insight sharing at the Space and FINN Theatres, as well as the Global Urban Advanced Air Summit (GUAAS) on Thursday. Space Zone The airshow will also include several specialised segments designed to cater to various industry interests. The Space Zone will showcase the newest technology and launch operators in the market, providing a glimpse into the future of space exploration and innovation. The Business Connections Exchange programme will facilitate networking by matching buyers and investors with vetted suppliers, enhancing opportunities for business development and collaboration. Sponsored by Lockheed Martin, the networking Business Lounge will offer a conducive environment for industry professionals to connect and engage. Moreover, the final day of the airshow will be dedicated to the Pioneers of Tomorrow, a STEM-focused initiative aimed at inspiring and engaging the next generation of aerospace, space, defence, and technology leaders. This public event will provide young enthusiasts with an opportunity to explore potential careers and innovations in these fields, fostering a future-oriented mindset. In an effort to expand its reach and enhance accessibility, Farnborough International is developing its live streaming capabilities for the 2024 instalment. This digital expansion will enable a broader audience to participate in the event virtually, ensuring that the insights and innovations showcased at Farnborough can reach a global audience. According to the organisers, Farnborough International Airshow 2024 promises to help drive forward the aerospace and defence industries through innovation, collaboration, and a shared vision for a sustainable future. For further information please visit: https://www.farnboroughairshow.com The previous Farnborough International Airshow in 2022 drew more than 74,000 professionals from 102 countries. It included over 250 official government and civil delegations, capturing significant global media attention. Building on this momentum, the 2024 airshow aims to showcase the future of aviation. Notable industry leaders such as Airbus, Boeing, Rolls-Royce, RTX, GKN, and GE Aviation are set to exhibit their latest aircraft, innovations, and technologies. Gareth Rogers, CEO of Farnborough International, emphasised the event’s critical role in driving innovation and excellence within the global aerospace and defence sectors. He highlighted the strong interest from international businesses eager to participate, reflecting the high demand for showcasing technological advancements on such a prominent platform: “The Farnborough International Airshow is more than a five-day, biennial event – it’s a change agent, powering excellence and innovation across the global aerospace and defence industries.” He added: “The interest from global businesses to exhibit and attend the airshow has been phenomenal, and it reflects the incredible demand from leaders to showcase their technology at our unique The Farnborough International Airshow 2024, scheduled to take place from 22-26 July 2024 in Hampshire, promises five days of unrivalled opportunities for industry professionals to explore the latest technological advancements, announce new partnerships, and collaboratively work towards sustainable aerospace goals. H&P reports. Box4Kids The Farnborough International Airshow, is also set to host its largest Barrie Wells Trust’s Box4Kids charity event on July 26, 2024, during its Pioneers of Tomorrow day. This year, the event will welcome over 200 guests and 30 volunteers from the charity, with Farnborough International and its partners offering unique experiences for seriously ill and disabled children and their families. Participating aerospace industry leaders, including Accenture, Embraer, Deutsche, Honeywell, Kallman, ATI, AIA, and Boeing, will provide exclusive chalets, aircraft tours, and opportunities to meet pilots, enhancing the immersive experience for attendees. Barrie Wells, founder of the Barrie Wells Trust and Box4Kids, expressed his enthusiasm, commenting: “Farnborough International Airshow is a fantastic event, and we are thrilled for Box4Kids to return for the fourth time this summer. The private tours of the American planes and meeting pilots are just some of the additional highlights the Airshow are able to help us create, and I am certain this year will be another incredible event.” Joe Muir, Commercial Aerospace Director at Farnborough International, highlighted the ongoing support for the charity, explaining: “Farnborough International Airshow has been a proud host of Box4Kids since 2016, and we value the opportunity to support the charity and our exhibitors in providing experiences that are cherished by the guests. Supporting the next generation is a key focus for us and we look forward to hosting the families at our Pioneers of Tomorrow day at the airshow.” Box4Kids, established in 2010 by the Barrie Wells Trust, collaborates with over 100 hospitals and hospices nationwide to nominate children for its events. To date, it has hosted over 19,000 guests at 1,900 events. The children, who have a range of life-limiting conditions including leukaemia, cerebral palsy, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, are given opportunities to enjoy special experiences through these events.

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HILLHEAD SHOW PREVIEW 16 HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2024 www.hpmag.co.uk Hillhead makes the connected site and autonomy real for all sustainable practices. A notable feature will be the autonomous truck demonstration by Bell Equipment, which is anticipated to be a significant highlight. Additionally, a variety of electric-powered machines will be featured in live demonstrations for the first time, showcasing the industry’s move towards more sustainable energy solutions. Bradbury highlighted the educational impact of Hillhead, explaining that the event not only showcases impressive machinery but also emphasises advancements in the digitalisation of the sector. From telemetry solutions to machine control, drones, AI-driven safety, and advanced 3D site management and modelling, the connected site will truly come alive this year. Enhanced Wi-Fi connectivity on-site will enable live data feeds from the demonstrations, providing real-time insights and enhancing the educational experience. Significant changes to the event layout have been made to enhance the visitor experience. The indoor pavilion has been expanded by more than 30%, providing more space for exhibitors and attendees. Recognising the importance of Hillhead as a meeting place, feedback from the 2022 show has been incorporated, resulting in Hillhead 2024, taking place from 25-27 June at its quarry location in Buxton, is poised to bring the latest advancements in site connectivity and autonomy to life. This year’s event will be especially notable as it will feature an autonomous truck in action for the first time, marking the most extensive range of demonstrations in the event’s history. H&P reports. the creation of the Big Hillhead Cafe and food court as a central outdoor hub for visitors and exhibitors alike. Additional permanent welfare facilities and new water hydration stations offering cold, filtered water for free will be available around the site. Visitors are encouraged to bring their own water bottles, which will be particularly beneficial if the weather is favourable. For those looking to capture memorable moments, an enlarged viewing platform will offer prime spots for social media-worthy photos. This platform will provide visitors with an excellent vantage point to view the entire event and capture the scale and excitement of Hillhead 2024. Hillhead 2024 promises to be an informative and engaging event where visitors can stay updated on the latest industry trends and advancements being made in the construction and quarrying industries. The event will provide invaluable insights into the future of the sector, driven by technology and sustainability. Registration for Hillhead is free and can be completed at: http://www.hillhead.com Hillhead 2024’s immersive nature will blend digitally connected sites and technologies with the sector’s ongoing transformation towards alternative fuels. Richard Bradbury, managing director of The QMJ Group, the event organisers, emphasised the scale and immersive experience of this year’s event. Visitors will encounter 600 exhibitors in a sold-out event, driven by unprecedented demand from exhibitors. Extensive preparations have been made, including blasting a significant amount of material to create a demonstration experience that will be the largest yet. The setup will feature a squared-off quarry face area with two large elevated levels, allowing for continuous demonstrations throughout the day. Visitors can expect a diverse array of equipment displays, including excavators, wheel loaders, articulated dump trucks, crushers, and screeners. Among the many highlights will be a 100-tonne excavator from Hyundai and an all-electric stand from Volvo Equipment, in collaboration with dealer SMT GB. Hitachi will also be showcasing its machines and fully connected site solutions. A key focus of Hillhead 2024 is to demonstrate the industry’s progress, particularly in digitalisation and

Electrification of Mobile Machines Join us at Hillhead at stand RC12 for an exclusive look at HYDAC's latest innovations!

WEBTEC is showcasing its new DHT digital hydraulic tester. Designed to meet the growing demand from customers operating in extremely dusty and wet environments, the DHT-series portable tester now offers a protection rating to IP65. The DHT digital hydraulic tester assists hydraulic technicians with reactive, proactive and preventive maintenance. Measuring flow, pressure and temperature it features a built-in loading valve to simulate load. This rugged tool - a workhorse of the hydraulic testing arena – has a number of key improvements enhancing both its robustness and ease-of-use when checking the performance of hydraulic pumps, motors, valves and hydrostatic transmissions. Stand no: PC31 t| 01480 397444 e| sales-uk@webtec.com w| www.webtec.com NEW DIGITAL HYDRAULIC TESTER OFFERS IP65 PROTECTION RATING HILLHEAD SPOTLIGHT Abbey Seals International Ltd. are a second generation family-run business based in Dublin and Cork. Over the last four decades, we’ve been Ireland’s leading provider of seals and gaskets. Since 2011, our Cork manufacturing facility has been a hub of innovation, with two state-of-the-art CAD knifecutting tables for creating custom gaskets with extreme precision and efficiency. In 2015, we started manufacturing seals using next frontier CNC Lathes — the only Irish company using this process. And we’re still the only company in Ireland that manufactures both seals and gaskets. You’ve probably guessed by now that we like things running smoothly, but we’re big on things running quickly as well. If you need a specific part, we can create it through our in-house manufacturing service, Abbey Seals Xpress. We specialise in creating custom pieces with no minimum order quantity. Contact: Abbey Seals International Ltd, Unit B1 Nangor Road Business Park, Nangor Road, Dublin, D12TNY6, Ireland Phone: +353 1 427 7900 Email: dublin@:abbeyseals.ie Location: RB15 (Registration Pavilion) Neilson Hydraulics Are Official Sales Partners of Danfoss Mobile Hydraulics PVG High Performance Proportional Valves Next Generation Orbital X Motors VHS Hydraulics Are Mobile System Integrators for Bosch Rexroth A10VO Variable Piston Pumps MCR Radial Piston Motors Variable Piston Pumps and Fixed Piston Motors M4 Proportional Load Sensing Control Valves We Are Certified Distributors for Sunfab Hydraulics A full range of standard Scanreco Radio Remote systems, accessories and spare parts are available from our stock ready to operate Rexroth M4, Danfoss PVG and many more proportional valves. Need a more bespoke solution? Be sure to contact us for a quote. T: 0114 2764430 // E: info@hydraulic-components.net // www.hydraulic-components.net T: 01709 821002 // E: sales@neilson-hydraulics.co.uk // www.neilson-hydraulics.co.uk HYDRAULICS & ENGINEERING LTD We Design, Manufacture and Commission Hydraulic Systems Electric Power Packs to Suit Your Specification Diesel Power Packs to Suit Your Specification Hydraulic Components HYDRAULICS & ENGINEERING LTD GFT Mechanical Planetary Gearboxes Visit us on stand: A46 OVER 50 YEARS OF FLUID POWER EXCELLENCE For 50 years, Fairway Hydraulics has been a trusted name in the British hydraulics industry known for exceptional customer service and highquality components. Fairway Hydraulics provides innovative solutions by integrating access to top global brands with their in-house design and manufacturing capabilities. Their team utilises advanced technology for system design, 3D modelling, and the development of custom manifolds, ensuring an ideal solution for each project. Extensive Industry Expertise Fairway Hydraulics caters to a wide range of industries that rely on robust hydraulic systems. These sectors include mining and quarrying, rail infrastructure, road sweepers, marine, offshore, and many others. Visit Fairway Hydraulics at stand RC9 to discuss your specific hydraulic requirements or get in touch: Address: Plot 2, Zone 5, Rushock Trading Estate, Rushock, Worcestershire, UK, WR9 0NR Email: info@fairwayhydraulics.com Phone number: 01905 457519 Website: https://fairwayhydraulics.com/

KNOWLEDGE BASE Douglas Eck, principal scientist at Google Research said, “Generative AI is like having a thousand artists at your fingertips, each with their own unique style and perspective.” This also translates into the manufacturing industry, where generative AI is being introduced at every step, from design to maintenance of assets. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global market for generative AI in manufacturing is expected to grow from $73 million in 2020 to $181 million by 2026, at a CAGR of 16.4 per cent during the forecast period. The report also notes that generative AI is being used in various manufacturing applications, including design optimisation, process optimisation and predictive maintenance, among others. Benefits to manufacturing businesses The benefits of using generative AI in manufacturing are clear in a recent case study from Siemens, who used generative design to 20 HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2024 www.hpmag.co.uk optimise the design of a gas turbine blade. The AI generated thousands of potential designs, which were then evaluated for their performance and manufacturability. The final design was not only more efficient, but also reduced the number of individual components needed to make the blade, resulting in cost savings and a shorter manufacturing time. As well as optimising designs, generative AI can be used in engineering and manufacturing to reduce material waste and improve production processes. It can help generate new ideas for designs based on specific criteria and constraints, simulate and test different scenarios, and provide insights to improve efficiency and quality. It can also aid in predictive maintenance and quality control. With a significant skills shortage in UK manufacturing, particularly in areas such as engineering, robotics and automation, the introduction of generative AI could help bridge this gap. Not only can it help automate and optimise processes, Stephen Hayes, managing director of automation and control technology specialist, Beckhoff UK, explores the benefits and risks of introducing generative AI into your manufacturing process. The good, the bad and the future of generative AI

www.hpmag.co.uk HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2024 21 but it can also free up skilled workers to focus on more complex tasks. Additionally, generative AI can assist in training new workers by providing virtual simulations and personalised feedback to accelerate their learning. This could be vital in the coming years, since Make UK recently reported that there are around 84,000 live vacancies in UK manufacturing, slightly down from 95,000 in 2021, which represented the highest in at least 20 years, but still massively above the desired number. Introducing challenges Despite its clear benefits, the use of generative AI also poses significant cyber security risks. A recent report by Deloitte stated that the manufacturing industry has experienced a 300 per cent increase in cyberattacks since 2018. Additionally, a survey by the National Association of Manufacturers found that 38 per cent of manufacturers had experienced a cyber-attack in the past twelve months. While these can’t wholly be attributed to the growth of generative AI, it certainly has a part to play, with programmes like ChatGPT being used to create worryingly convincing phishing emails. Manufacturers should ensure staff are suitably trained to recognise this latest evolution in phishing messages to avoid falling victim to an attack. One of the main risks associated with generative AI is the potential for hackers to manipulate the algorithms used in the design process. This could result in the creation of flawed or malicious designs that could cause serious damage to equipment or even harm individuals. Additionally, hackers could use generative AI to create counterfeit designs, leading to intellectual property theft and revenue loss for manufacturers. Another significant risk is the potential for data breaches. Generative AI relies heavily on data input, and if this data is compromised, it could be used to create faulty designs or even shut down production processes. This could result in significant financial losses for manufacturers and pose a threat to national security in industries such as defence. However, cyber security isn’t the only challenge that generative AI introduces. Generative AI can sometimes produce designs that are difficult to interpret, making it challenging to identify potential flaws or vulnerabilities. To mitigate this, manufacturers should ensure that their AI systems are transparent and explainable to enable effective risk assessment. To overcome these challenges, manufacturers and engineers must prioritise cyber security and data management. This involves implementing robust security protocols, such as encryption and multi-factor authentication, to protect sensitive data. Regular risk assessments and penetration testing should also be conducted to identify vulnerabilities in systems. Cyber security is also becoming even more of a priority at machine-builder level, where industrial equipment is being designed with secure communication protocols, such as TwinCAT, in mind. This involves using encryption techniques to protect data transmission between equipment and other systems, as well as implementing secure authentication processes to prevent unauthorised access. With an aging workforce and a lack of younger people entering the industry, it’s clear that the UK’s manufacturing sector will face an ongoing shortage of workers. Embracing technologies like generative AI could go some way in overcoming it, but it’s important that the correct measures are taken to ensure that the technology doesn’t leave manufacturers open to catastrophic security breaches. +44 (0) 1202 478334 uk@polyhose.com polyhose.com HARNESSING HOSES SECURING SAFETY • Nylon Sleeve – MSHA approved resistance to mechanical abrasion. • Twisterflex Spiral Guard – HDPE impact & abrasion protec�on. • Fire Sleeve – protec�on from heat, and molten metal spla�er.

APPLICATIONS Manufacturers are constantly seeking ways to optimise their processes and reduce the risk of equipment failures. One area where innovation is reshaping the manufacturing landscape is the integration of advanced diagnostics and condition monitoring into electropneumatic systems. Electro-pneumatic systems, which combine electrical control with pneumatic power, are widely used in manufacturing for tasks ranging from material handling to assembly. These systems rely on precise control of air pressure and flow to operate machinery and equipment. However, like any mechanical system, they are prone to wear and tear over time, leading to potential breakdowns and production disruptions. Advanced diagnostics Traditional maintenance practices in manufacturing have been reactive, with maintenance tasks initiated only after equipment failures occur. This approach often results in costly downtime and production losses. However, with the advent of advanced diagnostics, manufacturers now have the ability to monitor the health and performance of their electro-pneumatic systems in real time. At the heart of advanced diagnostics are sophisticated sensors and monitoring devices strategically placed within electropneumatic systems. These sensors continuously collect data on key parameters such as pressure, temperature, and flow rates. This data is then analysed in real time to detect anomalies and potential issues before they escalate into critical failures. Maintenance teams can receive alerts and notifications, allowing them to take proactive measures to address emerging issues and prevent unplanned downtime. The benefits of advanced diagnostics extend beyond just proactive maintenance. By analysing historical data and identifying patterns of equipment degradation, manufacturers can predict when maintenance tasks will be required in the future. This predictive maintenance approach enables manufacturers to optimise maintenance schedules, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns and maximising equipment uptime. Insights Advanced diagnostics also provide manufacturers with valuable insights into the performance of their electropneumatic systems. By analysing diagnostic data, manufacturers can identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. For example, analysis of energy consumption data may reveal opportunities to reduce energy usage and lower operational costs. Similarly, analysis of production data may uncover bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the manufacturing process, allowing manufacturers to implement corrective actions and improve overall productivity. The applications of advanced diagnostics in electro-pneumatic systems span diverse industries, offering significant benefits. In automotive manufacturing, advanced diagnostics prevent costly breakdowns in critical pneumatic systems on assembly lines. Similarly, in the food and beverage sector, real-time monitoring of pressure and flow 22 HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS June 2024 www.hpmag.co.uk Advanced diagnostics in electro-pneumatic systems Manufacturers are continually seeking methods to optimise processes and minimise equipment failure risks. An emerging area is the integration of advanced diagnostics into electro-pneumatic systems, enhancing efficiency and reliability. H&P reports.