Hydraulics & Pneumatics Apr/May 2024

APPLICATIONS www.hpmag.co.uk benefits it will bring to our customers. “The PCL Demo Van will be used when carrying out trade work out days at our partners’ locations, with interactive displays and demonstrations providing practical insights into PCL product features and how they work. “This customer-first solution was developed taking into account feedback from the sales team regarding customer needs and the result is a fantastic new resource. Essentially, Air-venture’s team have encapsulated our customer-centric ethos with the creation of a practical mobile showcase and training tool which we can take to customers at their convenience…” To find out more visit: https://www.pclairtechnology.com PCL’s Demo Van Engineering sector addresses skills shortages through upskilling initiatives The engineering and infrastructure sector is witnessing a surge in workforce amid the UK’s shift towards a net zero economy yet faces critical skills shortages. Companies are beginning to prioritise upskilling through apprenticeship degrees, equipping employees with essential leadership skills. H&P reports. The engineering and infrastructure sector is developing at a rapid pace. There has been growth over the past decade, with the number of people working in engineering increasing from 5.4 million in 2010 to 5.7 million in 2021, with a peak of 6.3 million in 2019. On top of this, the UK is ramping up its focus on becoming a net zero economy, and a report commissioned by Engineering UK found that demand for engineers is predicted to grow faster than for other occupations, with vacancies for ‘green engineering’ roles increasing by more than half (55%) over the last 5 years. In light of this, the report also found that recruitment activity for engineering roles accounted for a quarter of all job postings in the UK, pointing toward a rising concern that has been looming in the engineering sector: skills shortages. These findings suggest that the skills gap is either greater in engineering than in other sectors, that employers are hiring for future growth or a combination of the two. Jonathan Hornagold, Apprenticeship Manager at Amey – a leading provider of full-lifecycle engineering, operations and decarbonisation solutions for transport infrastructure and complex facilities – agrees with this, explaining how the speed of digital and IT is impacting the 32 HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS April/May 2024 engineering industry. He tells us: “Keeping pace with the changes that are occurring in the engineering industry – and beyond – is certainly a challenge for many businesses. “We want to ensure that we continue to serve those we work alongside with the best, most up-to-date solutions. Our purpose is to deliver sustainable infrastructure solutions and to protect our shared future; upskilling, therefore, is a massive part of that. “We want to be able to keep pace and traction when it comes to serving our clients and the public, while simultaneously meeting our employees’ needs.” With the engineering industry becoming increasingly competitive, it is not surprising that many in the sector are fighting for the right people to stay. Talent retention is growing in importance, with