Hydraulics & Pneumatics October 2022
www.hpmag.co.uk HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS October 2022 5 CONTENTS EDITORIAL Editor: Ed Holden t | 01892 615806 e | ed.holden@dfamedia.co.uk Content Sub Editor: Leslah Garland t | 01732 370340 e | leslah.garland@dfamedia.co.uk SALES Sales Manager, UK & Overseas: Andrew Jell t | 01732 370347 e | andrew.jell@dfamedia.co.uk Italian Sales Office: Oliver & Diego Casiraghi t | 031 261407 f | 031 261380 e | info@casiraghi.info Turkey: Intersmart Media meltem@intersmartmedia.co.uk Managing Director: Ryan Fuller t | 01732 370344 e | ryan.fuller@dfamedia.co.uk Production Manager & Designer: Chris Davis t | 01732 370340 e | chris.davis@dfamedia.co.uk Reader/Circulation Enquiries: Perception t | +44 (0) 1825 701520 . e | dfamedia@dmags.co.uk Marketing Executive Hope Jepson e | hope.jepson@dfamedia.co.uk Project Liaison Manager: Emma Floyd – e | emma.floyd@dfamedia.co.uk Finance Manager: Caren Brown – e | caren.brown@dfamedia.co.uk Chief Executive Officer: Ian Atkinson – e | ian.atkinson@dfamedia.co.uk Published by: DFA Manufacturing Media Ltd, 192 The High Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1BE t | 01732 370340 f | 01732 360034 e | info@dfamedia.co.uk w | www.hpmag.co.uk In co-operation with Printer: Warners, UK © Copyright 2022, DFA Manufacturing Media Ltd ISSN 1366-1981 H&P isacontrolledcirculationmagazine,published8 timesa year.PleasecontactDFAMediawithanysubscriptionenquiries. Paidsubscriptionsarealsoavailableonanannualbasisat £110.00 (UK),£145.00 (Europe)or£180.00 (Restof theWorld) P+P included.Thecontentof thismagazine,websiteand newslettersdonotnecessarilyexpress theviewsof theEditoror publishers.Thepublishersacceptno legal responsibility for loss arising from information in thispublication.All rights reserved. Nopartof thispublicationmaybeproducedorstored ina retrievalsystemwithout thewrittenconsentof thepublishers. 38 20 6 NEWS 18 KNOWLEDGE BASE Building and facility managers can struggle to accurately identify and isolate energy loss and measure efficiency improvements. Fluke tools for detection are designed to quickly and accurately identify faults so energy can be recovered and preserved for future use. 20 APPLICATIONS Engineering company Forth is continuing to invest in upskilling its current workforce to aid professional development. The company recently held the first instalment of internal Structured Project Management training sessions to improve employees’ capabilities and ensure clients and customers are receiving the highest standards. 22 HYDRAULICS The European Union aims to expand the capacity for wind power generated at sea to at least 60 gigawatts by 2030. With its sealing solutions for the foundation structures, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies helps ensure that new wind turbines reach a service life of at least 30 years or more despite the rough conditions at sea. 34 PNEUMATICS There is a lot of discussion surrounding Industry 4.0, but its overall goal is the Smart Factory and Smart Manufacturing. Many technologies are included in these broad definitions, and what are now commonly known as Smart Components are core building blocks, writes Simone Cappa, product manager, Camozzi Automation. 36 BCAS Our regular news and events update on the British Compressed Air Society. 38 COMPRESSED AIR 42 INTEGRATED SYSTEMS ABB is expanding its FlexPicker Delta robot portfolio with the IRB 365. 44 BFPA Hydraulics & Pneumatics’ issue-by-issue briefing on current activities and views involving the British Fluid Power Association. 46 NEW FACES 47 PRODUCTS & SERVICES DIRECTORY 42
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