Hydraulics & Pneumatics October 2022
Sheffield Tel: 0114 251 8518 Email: uk.sales@stauff.com Aberdeen Tel: 01224 786166 Email: uk.absales@stauff.com Ireland Tel: 02892 606900 Email: uk.irsales@stauff.com Southampton Tel: 023 8069 8700 Email: uk.sosales@stauff.com www.stauff.co.uk Premier global manufacturer of components for fluid power applications As active members of the NFPC Advisory & Strategic Planning Group, STAUFF UK heavily support the development of the training aids as part of the “Skills Accelerator Programme” and the latest investments in Digital Technology. STAUFF UK products are widely utilised to ensure longevity of service and industry examples of quality products in operation. The NFPC is proud through its training courses to support the knowledge and skills development of STAUFF personnel. Training for the Future Ensuring safety for our industry John Morris (L) John Savage (R) Tube_Clamps (STUK) @ NFPC NFPC for Fluid Power Motion ontrol National Fluid Power Centre
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