BUILDING SERVICES n stress on motor windings. These lters often negate the need for shielded cables, reducing installation costs. n Proper grounding techniques must be implemented to ensure low-impedance earthing. n Chokes or line reactors can minimise transient voltage spikes along longer cable lengths. Other issues Additional operational issues that HVAC installers face include: n energy ineciency from voltage harmonics – this can be mitigated using line reactors to reduce input rms current; n EMI – this aects sensitive equipment and can be reduced using chokes and sinewave lters; n voltage reections in long cable runs – these can be reduced using sinewave lters, which smooth voltage waveforms and attenuate high-frequency noise; n audible motor noise – sinewave lters can convert the VSDs PWM output into a smooth sinusoidal waveform, improving workplace comfort and reducing noise pollution. Some choke and lter manufacturers provide test data for various VSDs and cable lengths to ensure compliance with EN 61800-3, allowing HVAC installers to choose the most eective systems for their applications. Input chokes, motor chokes, and sinewave lters are important in HVAC applications for energy savings, equipment longevity and regulatory compliance. These components enhance system reliability by mitigating harmonic currents, voltage spikes and EMI. VSDs used in HVAC systems – particularly IP65/66 versions using longer cable runs – pose integration challenges, requiring compact, application-speci c components. Choke and lter manufacturers should be challenged to provide appropriate technologies. n Drives engineering power trans Looking to s Contr &s g equipment? smission and m source automa rols motion tion, Machine Safety section Interactive BBuyer’s GCoGuide w ontrwebsite ols sponsored by EUCHNER k door loc Smart, co XX FVDIOFS DP VL king mechanism CTM pact, safe – X om IP65-protected motor chokes can be connected to VSDs in damp or dusty environments to maintain compliance with EMC standards Harmonic reduction chokes can help to improve energy eciency and ensure EMC compliance in HVAC installations