Drives & Controls Magazine March 2025

BUILDING SERVICES n reducing the speed of a fan by just 20% can lead to a reduction in power consumption of almost 50%. In HVAC systems, the ability to control speed precisely by combining VSDs with PM motors allows operators to exploit the affinity laws. This tailored approach not only optimises energy use but also enhances the efficiency and longevity of the system, leading to cost savings and a reduced environmental footprint. The potential offered by PM motors has been known for decades, but they have traditionally been an expensive choice due to their relatively higher costs and their need for speed feedback devices (encoders) for effective control. Now, with advances to motor control algorithms, VSDs can control PM motors without encoders, cutting costs. As the costs associated with manufacturing and implementing PM motor technologies decline, these motors are becoming a more practical option for widespread use in the HVAC industry. Importantly, the reduction in cost does not compromise on quality or efficiency, but rather makes the technology accessible for a broader range of applications, promoting the adoption of greener technologies. The affordability, paired with superior performance characteristics, makes PM motors an increasingly attractive choice for modern HVAC systems. This shift not only supports global energy conservation goals, but also aligns with the economic interests of businesses and consumers seeking to reduce energy costs and enhance system reliability. n The article was contributed by Nidec Drives. Permanent magnet motors o er several potential advantages over induction motors in HVAC application ti t As a leading su l d t f pplier of precision M STEPPER _; Ѵ-1; = MSM $ OTORS ou u;1bvbom o M = oঞom om|uoѴ and application and experience VHUYLFH EDFNHG VSHFL÷FDWLRQ D our customers approach to bu service and ado xcel technical e 40 years, we ha motion contro ns support staff ed technical sales G XS ZLWK TXDOL÷HG QGGHVLJQ EXLOG a professional e offer usiness. W opt a partnership lence and customer ave a commitment to ver l products for o S á á á á STF STEPPER D speed control applications ation, suiting dynamic motion positioning and oper Extended torque performance and smooth turnaround for application customisation vailability for standard products and fast Stock a Aimed at the unique demands of OEM users stepper motors in NEMA sizes 08 through 34 Cost-optimised, microstepping 2-phase, 1.8° RIVES e u ;1_-mb oঞom1om eed tepper o m †v|ol ;m]bm; Challeng Serv S F G o provide you 1-Ѵ 1olrom;m|v m|uoѴѴ;uv ş vo[‰-u; Gearboxes vices es tors & driv es tors & driv systems ;u;7loঞom us t f. ; mo mo back de x [ b á á ams for multi-axis progr or store complete Command streaming and RS-485 0RGEXV (WKHUQHW 8'3 7 P, CAN AT, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP systems where Industrial Et Optimal use for automation es: 3, 6 a Microstepping driv 7&3 Nopen, thernet is preferred n and motion control nd 10 Amps/Phase ‰b|_-1ol g ww rѴ;|; voѴ†ঞom .mclennan l ww sa + ales@mclennan.c synchronisation +44 (0) 1252 531444