Drives & Controls Magazine September 2024

28 n ENERGY EFFICIENCY September 2024 VSDs are the toast of Mexico’s tequila distillers Tequila is an emblematic drink of Mexico, with significant cultural importance. It has also become one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages worldwide, resulting in a 5% increase in production in recent years. The tequila industry is one of the largest in Mexico’s agri-food sector, with more than 150 distilleries, and is a source of national pride. The drink results from the fermentation and distillation of sugars extracted from the agave plant, making tequila one of the most iconic national beverages, with an alcohol content of 35–55%. Of the more than 295 species of agave, the best known is the "blue agave," which is used to produce tequila. Unesco (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) has declared the agave landscapes and the old industrial facilities of Tequila, Jalisco, to be a cultural heritage. Tequila distillers has been turning to advanced technologies to help improve their operating efficiencies and cut their costs. For example, a leading Mexican tequila producer has achieved a 30% reduction in energy consumption in its processes by adopting VSDs (variable-speed drives). The producer cultivates agave plants on a vast plantation and oversees the tequila manufacturing process from farm to bottle in a state-of-the-art facility. A crucial step in this process is milling the agave hearts, which involves crushing them to extract the juice. This presents a significant energy challenge because of the high and variable current peaks and torque experienced by the motor that drives the crusher. To address this issue, the tequila producer has installed a 150hp (112kW) VSD that allows precise control of the crusher motor, optimising its speed and torque based on the actual load demands. This has resulted in a 30% reduction in energy consumption, delivering significant financial savings for the company. The precise motor control has also reduced wear-and-tear on the machinery, cutting maintenance costs and downtime. The environment in the plant is dusty, which can affect control equipment, particularly the electronic components. The producer therefore specified a drive with an IP55 enclosure – an Invertek Drives Optidrive P2 VSD, supplied by Sumitomo Drive Technologies Mexico – which protects it from dust and other contaminants, ensuring reliable operation. The tequila producer says that the performance of the drive has exceeded its expectations, delivering a 30% reduction in energy consumption while ensuring consistent quality in the agave-crushing process. The 480V-460V drive, which is designed for demanding applications, can handle 150% overloads for 60 seconds. The company now has a smooth flow throughout the production process from farm to bottle, and on to the customers who enjoy the final product. In another example of drives being used in the tequila industry, at the end of 2023, WEG supplied a well-known tequila producer with two integrated packages consisting of electric motors, VSDs and gearboxes, for two tequila factories in the municipalities of Tequila and Atotonilco. Each package consists of a 15hp (11.2kW) W22 electric motor, a WG50 gearbox and CFW500 VSD. They will be used to control motor speeds in the agave grinding area, enhancing process efficiencies, and helping the producer to cut its running costs. n Tequila production may be traditional industry in Mexico but producers are increasingly adopting energy-saving technologies such as VSDs to help keep their costs down and improve performance. The 150hp VSD has helped to cut energy consumption by up to 30% at this tequila distillery Motor, drive and gearbox packages are being used to control agave grinder speeds at this Mexican distillery