Drives & Controls Magazine June 2024

30 n ROBOTS June 2024 Volvo turns to robots to enhance its workers’ lives Manufacturers around the world are experiencing labour shortages, with younger generations being reluctant to seek careers in industry. In the face of this, the role of robots has never been more important. Volvo Cars, for example, is taking a lead by using robots to improve its workplace environments, and to retain and attract talent. It already uses large, traditional industrial robots that can lift several tonnes at a time in its production processes. But the Swedish car-maker is also introducing smaller cobots (collaborative robots) that work in tandem with humans. It has found three ways that this form of robotic automation can help create a better workplace – with benefits for both the company and its employees. 1 Allowing employees to engage in fulfilling work At its core, automation can take care of the dull, dirty, and dangerous jobs that no one wants (or should have to) do, freeing up workers to do more stimulating tasks and to develop into new roles. This is especially the case with cobots, because they are designed to be integrated into existing workflows and to work alongside humans. “If you hate it, automate it,” declares Dan Lämkull, a Volvo technical expert in ergonomics and research leader, who works with the company’s manufacturing engineers. He says Volvo has seen a notable change among workers where cobots have been installed. “We have to implement operations where employees are taken away from their normal tasks and shifted towards other roles – often related to service or maintenance of the robot,” he explains. “We know what advanced tasks the cobots can do, and how precise and consistent they are at doing the same thing again and again and not complaining. The cobot quickly evolves from being a competitor to an indispensable tool. It takes the bad jobs away, allowing humans to assume operator roles.” 2 Reducing injuries and promoting an age-inclusive workforce The benefits of automation extend far beyond reducing manual work. It can also help to achieve a safer working environment that protects Using robots can boost productivity. What’s less well-known is that they can also help companies to improve their workplace environments, and to attract and retain talent, as Volvo Cars has discovered. Automation can help to achieve a safer working environment that protects workers’ long-term health Images courtesy of Volvo Cars