Drives & Controls Magazine June 2024

n TECHNOLOGY June 2024 18 PANASONIC INDUSTRY HAS ANNOUNCED A servodrive system that uses AI to achieve precision tuning that, it claims, is better than that performed by human experts. It also says that the Minas A7 servo system delivers the industry's best motion performance with a 27-bit encoder resolution (equivalent to 134,217,728 pulses) and a response frequency with an industry high of 4kHz or more (1.25 times higher than Panasonic’s Minas A6). Panasonic says that conventional automated tuning technologies cannot achieve satisfactory results for applications that require ultra-precise positioning, such as semiconductor manufacturing and surface-mounting. These have therefore needed sophisticated manual tuning of many parameters by expert engineers, sometimes taking several days to complete. The new drive uses the first commercial AIequipped servo tuner (called precAIse Tuning) to cut position settling times – an indicator of performance – by 45% compared to human results, and tuning times by 90% or more. The technology can achieve superior positioning using simple initial settings. The new servodrive’s 27-bit encoder resolution will help to improve positioning and processing accuracy. The servomotor has a top speed of 7,150 rpm, making equipment faster and helping to reduce cycle times. Usually, servomotors require complex control programs running on devices such as PLCs. The direct feedback (displacement control) amplifier in the new system is said to improve responsiveness from the sensor input to the motor output, with the amplifier capturing sensor data directly without needing to going via controllers. Eliminating the need for complex control programs results in precise, high-speed control, according to Panasonic, and will shorten development times. Initially the drives are available in 200W or 400W versions, with others planned. There are single-phase 100V AC and single-phase/three-phase 200V AC versions now, with three-phase 400V AC models in the pipeline. Versions are available for EtherCat or Panasonic’s Rtex (Real-Time Express) communications technologies. There are plans for models that support analogue, pulse train and Modbus comms. In addition to electronics applications, other potential uses include machine tools and industrial robots. In the future, Panasonic says it will offer applicationspecific servo amplifiers, for uses such as precision gantry control and direct sensor feedback (pressure control). ROCKWELL AUTOMATION HAS announced a generative AI software package that converts predictions of equipment failures into detailed, actionable work orders for maintenance teams. Called Fiix Prescriptive Maintenance, the tool is an add-on for Rockwell’s existing Fiix Asset Risk Predictor software, creating what it describes as “the first complete predictive and prescriptive maintenance solution to help manufacturers eliminate unplanned downtime”. The AI tool can be set up in as little as two weeks and then starts to predict asset failures days in advance. The new software generates work orders using asset data, completed work orders and trusted maintenance sources. Teams can review and edit the work orders, and send them to any CMMS (computerised maintenance management system) or EAM (enterprise asset management) tool. The data remains private. “With Fiix Prescriptive Maintenance, you can turn asset data into the predictions and work orders you need to drastically reduce unplanned downtime, boost operational equipment effectiveness (OEE), and make better use of resources,” says Sandy D’Souza, Fiix’s senior director for sales in the Americas region. “It also helps close the maintenance knowledge gap, ensuring everyone has access to detailed asset and work order information, whether they’ve just started their career or have decades of experience at a company.” The Risk Predictor can be used independently from Fiix CMMS. It can also be used with other CMMS or EAM systems. Gen AI tool turns failure predictions into maintenance plans AI-driven servo tuning technology ‘out-performs human experts’ Panasonic says its Minas A7 servo system delivers the industry’s best motion performance The AI-powered tuning system is claimed to cut settling times by 45%