Drives and Controls January 2023
"MTPBWBJMBCMF 4PMFBHFOUJOUIF6, 3PXMFZ%SJWF$07&/53:$7 -46/*5&%,*/(%0. 5 ]&TBMFT!BOEBOUFYDPVL XXXB OE BOUFYDPVL XXXNBDIJOFUPPMESJWFTDPN 5PSRVF 4UJGOFTT ;FSP#BDLMBTI -FBEFSJO NBDIJOFUPPMHFBSCPYFTBOE SBDLT 3&%&9 IBT EFWFMPQFEUIFVOJRVF$VCJDDPODFQU *UTPSJHJOBMUVSOLFZEFTJHOGSBNFBMPXTFBTZJOUFHSBUJPOBOEDPTU TBWJOHT .PSFUIBO QPTJCMFDPOGJHVSBUJPOT )2('HFBSGJOJTIJOH6QUP QPXFSTBWJOHT ;FSPCBDLMBTIPQUJNJ[FEGPSFMFDUSJDBMQSFMPBE .BDIJOFUPPMRVBMJUZNBOVGBDUVSJOHBOEUFTUJOHTUBOEBSET 1BUFOUFEEFTJHO Unit 3B, Lythalls Lane Industrial Estate, Lythalls Lane, Coventry CV6 6FL UNITED KINGDOM T. +44 2476 30 7722 | E. Technological Leadership GR3421_New Advert_Exhibition Style_portrait_Final.indd 1 03/08/20 Spiral Bevel Gearboxes GEARED TO PRECISION ● High Precision - Low Backlash ● High Performance - Low Noise ● 8 Standard Sizes up to 8000Nm ● Klingelnberg Spiral Bevel Gears, Hardened & Lapped ● Hollow Shaft, Reinforced Shaft, Switching & Reversing versions available Visit us online TANDLER PRECISION LIMITED Call today 01604 588 056 Email The engineers choice for more than 60 years, with gearboxes operating on 7 continents, Tandler has the range and experience to match your applications. 111_d&c_0819.indd 1 13/08/2019 10:07 Contact us at Drives & Controls Damien Oxlee 01732 370342 Andy Wylie 01732 370341 IF YOU’RE READING THIS, THEN SO ARE 60,000+ ENGINEERS. IMAGINE THE IMPACT YOUR ADVERTISEMENT COULD HAVE.
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