Drives and Controls January 2023
TECHNOLOGY n A SWEDISH COMMUNICATIONS software specialist has developed a software-based method for implementing Profinet and EtherCat protocols on industrial equipment that, it says, will cut time and costs for device developers as well as freeing them from dependence from specific suppliers. RT-Labs also says that its pre-certified U- Phy software avoids the need for developers to be experts in the protocols. Until now, royalty-based custom chips (Asics) or dedicated communications modules have been needed to allow industrial devices, such as sensors and actuators, to communicate with other devices on fieldbus networks. According to RT-Labs, this has several disadvantages, including high costs, tying the devices to a single fieldbus, and a lack of flexibility that limits product innovation. These limitations have been tolerated, it says, because of the perceived lack of risk of this approach. But, argues RT-Labs, this is no longer the case. As supply chains lengthen and lead times are extended, it says, developers “have become acutely aware of the risks associated with exposure to a limited number of suppliers for niche hardware solutions”. The ready-to-use U-Phy software liberates industrial device developers from hardware supply chains and royalty payments by allowing them to implement their chosen protocol using certified software running on open hardware. It cuts development times “significantly”, taking just three to five weeks to get up and running. Developers can quickly produce new products by modifying their code to target a different comms protocol. U-Phy comes with an easily modified API (application programming interface) that allows users to add value to their products by including extra functions. To support the release of U-Phy, RT-Labs has developed an evaluation board to explore the software-based approach to fieldbus communications. It is also offering an open hardware design (Module01). RT-Labs helps OEMs to implement industrial communications through a combination of software components and development tools. It supports communications stacks including Profinet, EtherCat, IO-Link, CC-Link, Modbus, and CANOpen, and aims to provide simple, cost-effective industrial communications without needing third-party modules. The stacks are said to be suitable for embedded systems with limited resources. RT-Lab’s U-Phy software will allow industrial device developers to implement Profinet or EtherCat on open hardware Software gives device developers independence from fieldbus suppliers Small & precision brushed and brushless motors, stepper motors, frameless torque motors Stepper motor drives, intelligent & integrated stepper and servomotor drives - StepSERVO tm Integrated AC servo- and stepper motors - MAC motor ® & ServoStep tm Robust incremental and absolute encoders for speed and posi琀onal feedback Harsh industrial, vacuum and UHV, cryogenic and space rated stepper motors and gearboxes Small & precision stepper, brushed and brushless motor applica琀ons Precision resolvers, AC and DC servomotors, high-precision sensors, IMUs and gyros High performance, mul琀-axis mo琀on control technology Planetary and spur gear units Slip ring assemblies Geared DC motors Vacuum and harsh industrial posi琀oning systems Applica琀on-speci昀c mo琀on control +44 (0) 1252 531444 Custom engineered mo琀on systems Servo motors & drives Stepper motors & drives Feedback devices Gearboxes Mo琀on controllers & so昀ware Mechanical components As a leading supplier of precision mo琀on control products for over 40 years, we have a commitment to technical excellence and customer service and adopt a partnership approach to business. We o昀er our customers a professional speci昀ca琀on and design & build service, backed up with quali昀ed and experienced technical sales and applica琀ons support sta昀. The Place For Precision Mo琀on Control Challenge Us To Provide You With A Complete Solu琀on
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