Drives & Controls April 2022

*The offer is only open to users of compressed air, NOT trade customers and is only applicable to BCAS training courses. The free membership will last for 12 months in total. A company’s BCAS membership must be active for its customers to be entitled to this offer. BCAS will ask every direct enquiry if they use a BCAS member as their supplier. The best care for your compressed air 25% discount Free associate membership – and 25% discount on training! Do you use a BCAS member? If so, did you know you are eligible for a fantastic 25% discount off all compressed air training – plus free associate membership of BCAS! You’ll get a host of benefits, including discounted publications, as well as access to compressed air guidelines and the society’s social events. It really is the best care for your compressed air! Contact your BCAS supplier today or visit to find your local BCAS member. They will give you your unique booking code and then you can visit today to see our full range of courses. 0207 935 2464 Stand C40 5-7 April 2022 – The NEC – Birmingham #AirTechExpo See us at: