Drives & Controls April 2022
S22 Show Guide 2022 5-7 APRIL 2022 • NEC BIRMINGHAM • AIRTECH-EXPO.COM SOLBERG INTERNATIONAL UK (LTD) A72 Our team at Solberg is always looking for ways to provide the highest level of industrial filtration on the market. We want our name to be synonymous with the best industrial filtration solutions out there. Selecting and sizing application-appropriate filtration devices is as much an art form as it is a science. Fortunately, we have more than 50 years of experience, and we’ll help you avoid unnecessary costs and avoid countless hours of frustration. With the right filter and separation solution, you’ll save on maintenance costs, energy consumption, and headaches. Each of our products is designed to improve the performance and longevity of critical machines such as vacuum pumps, blowers, fans, compressors, and engines. Please stop by stand A72 and speak to one of our team. Solberg International (UK) Ltd t: 01902 798499 e: w: SUPERVANE A70 Carbon vanes and filters for dry running vacuum pumps and compressors. Supervane t: 01923 594 255 e: w: TAMTURBO B44 Tamturbo ® Touch-Free ™ turbo compressors are 100% oil-free, practically maintenance-free and by far the most sustainable air compressor solution on the market. With the lowest total cost of ownership, Tamturbo compressors deliver significant savings from the biggest costs of owning an air compressor: energy and maintenance. Thanks to their unique operating principle based on Active Magnetic Bearings, unlike “oil free” screw compressors, Tamturbo compressors do not lose their efficiency due to wear. Producing compressed air creates a lot of heat that is usually wasted and blown into the atmosphere. With our standard liquid cooling system, it’s possible to capture over 90% of used energy to hot water and use it again for customers’ process, heating or other needs. It is also possible to implement the solution as an Air-as-a-Service business model, in which case the customer only pays for the compressed air they use with no need for capital investment. Tamturbo t: +358405183298 e: w: TESEO SRL C80 Teseo was the first company worldwide to design, patent and bring to market an aluminium piping system for compressed air. Choosing the innovative modular piping by Teseo means adopting the best technology on the market, excellent performance which allows to eliminate the typical hidden costs of managing a compressed air distribution system. Teseo S.r.l. t: +39 030 915 0411 e: w: WISEAIR LTD B40 WiseAir has a vast variety of compressed air products, all manufactured to the highest standard of quality and European CE marked for product safety combining quality and reliability with great value for money. WiseAir supplies an industrial products group with a global reputation in the compressed air treatment industry for providing customers with the latest technology producing superior results. WiseAir is committed to delivering sustainable air treatment solutions for increased customer productivity and energy savings. The right compressed air treatment products will help you keep your air compressors performing at their best. Choose from a huge selection of Refrigeration Air Dryer, filters, oil/water separators and much more to keep your air lines from collecting moisture or freezing up. WiseAir improves your system productivity, efficiency and quality with the right compressed air treatment products. Learn more about the benefits of using WiseAir compressed air treatment products to increase the efficiency of your air compressor system by calling or e-mailing us today. WiseAir Ltd t: 0192 382 2564 e: w: STANDARDAIR LTD J12 Standard Air Ltd is a unique source for Genuine and Aftermarket air compressor spare parts of legacy Air Compressor brands like Comp-Air, Belliss & Morcom, Gardner Denver and many other such legacy brands which are rarely available in current Air Compressor aftermarket market. Since 1996 Standard Air Limited is been serving to customers across UK, Middle East, Asia and Africa and offers the quality parts and kits with best services. In Feb 2022 when M.R. Organisation Limited has taken over Standard Air Limited – it opens door for big business across world aftermarket parts market. MRO-STD.AIR product mix can really cover-up all untouched customers and vice-versa. At MRO we produce & supply all type of aftermarket, replacement, equivalent kits & parts for over 35 different Air/Gas compressor global brands of Rotary screw compressors, High & Low-pressure Reciprocating/Piston compressors, Centrifugal compressors, Vacuum pumps, Thermostat valve and Elements, Consumables, Electronic parts and Instruments, Lubricants (semi & fully synthetic compressor oils) and Rebuild Air-end or provide replacement Air-end with various service options StandardAir Ltd t: 07575070203 e: w: STERLING SEPARATION LTD C32 STERLING Separation manufactures and supplies world class compressed air condensate management and downstream air filtration products. The company will feature its PATENTED CS75 oil/water separator offering ample capacity for any air compressor up to 11kW. CS75 is the smallest, lowest cost, serviceable separator in the world. STERLING uses modern filter materials, avoiding the use of carbon - so reducing the energy footprint while increasing the lifetime and performance of its products. Service kits for many other brands of separator are available, benefiting from the same advanced technologies. STERLING's product range of 8 separators up to 200 m 3 /min capacity will be on display, as will a wide selection of condensate drains employing various operational strategies. The company carries huge stocks of compressed air filter elements, providing alternatives to almost any commercially available brand - at competitive prices. Most of all, STERLING's team has extensive industry experience to share with our customers. STERLING Separation Ltd t: 01543 502010 e: w: SULLAIR H30 For more than 57 years, Sullair has remained on the leading edge of compressed air solutions. We were one of the first to execute rotary screw technology in our air compressors, and our machines are renowned for their legendary durability. With an extensive global distributor network serving customers in nearly every corner of the globe, Sullair has an expansive offering of portable and stationary air compressors as well as a full line of air treatment products, genuine parts, lubricants, fluids and other solutions to keep air compressors running optimally, across multiple industries. In 2017 Sullair joined the Hitachi group of companies and their more than 100 years’ compressor experience. Its products have established a reputation for reliability, durability, and performance, giving customers peace of mind. Following the acquisition by Hitachi, Sullair has combined the strength of both compressor companies to provide high efficiency, high quality and optimised air solutions. Sullair t: 0191 501 8534 e: w:
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