Drives & Controls April 2022
Talking Industry Live will include CPD accredited panel discussions that fully reflect the ongoing global transformation to the smart manufacturing era and provide fascinating debate and insight from leading experts into the potential plants of the future. In partnership with 5th APRIL 2022 10.00-11.00 ROBOTICS & ADVANCED AUTOMATION Across a multitude of industries, challenged by the diversification of end-user needs and labour shortages, automation can handle advanced work demands and changes. But robots no longer need to work alone; collaborative robots work hand-in-hand with humans, balancing safety with the need for flexibility and productivity. This panel discussion will discuss the future potential of robotics and automation technologies across manufacturing. Mike Wilson, Manufacturing Technology Centre Chief Automation Officer NikeshMistry,SectorHead for IndustrialAutomation,GAMBICA Asif Moghal, Market Development Manager, Autodesk, Vaibhav Boricha, Director at VIKASO Chair: Andy Pye 11.30-12.30 MAINTENANCE 4.0: THE FUTURE OF ASSET MANAGEMENT Maintenance 4.0 is a machine-assisted digital form of all the things we have being doing for the past 40 years to ensure our assets deliver value for our organisations. Maintenance 4.0 includes a holistic view of sources of data, ways to connect it, ways to collect it, and ways to analyse it. This panel discussion will look at the arguments surrounding the benefits, challenges, and overall importance of implementing a Maintenance 4.0 strategy in today's factories and plants. Dean Whittle, Senior Reliability Engineer, RMS Reliability Matt Grogan, Technical Sales Engineer, SPM Instrument UK Daniel Phillips-Fern, IXON UK & Ireland Country Manager Chair: Prof John Ahmet Erkoyuncu, Cranfield University 13.00 - 14.00 BRIDGINGTHE ENGINEERING SKILLS GAP FOR FACTORIES OFTHE FUTURE To futureproof both our recovery and future, Government and industry need to address not just the immediate term skills and training needs, but also the mid-term. At the heart of a future education and training system is the need to help manufacturers adopt to new digital technologies. This panel discussion will look at what is needed to support these needs and help bridge any digital skills gaps. • Bridging the skills gap with automated engineering • Investing in digital skills of the future • Inspiring a new generation Dr Susan Scurlock, Founder of Primary Engineers Wg Cdr Russ Barnes, Youth and STEM, Royal Air Force Charlotte Swain, Deputy Director for Delivery at the MTC’s Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre Chair: Aaron Blutstein 6th APRIL 2022 10.00-11.00 THE HIDDEN MENACE: STRATEGIES TO AVOID CYBERCRIME TheresultofnotsecuringtheSmartFactorynetwork isclear. Themanufacturing industry isthethirdmosttargeted industry forcybercrime, justbehindthefinanceandgovernment sectors.Talking IndustryLivewilldiscussthethreatsand strategiestohelpprotectfacilitiesfromCybercrime. •Securedatahandling inthecloud •Realtimecontrol,safetyandsecurityaredrivingtechnological innovation inthefactoryoftomorrow •Tacklingtherobothackthreat Nicc Lewis, VP Marketing at ASOCS AnthonyGreen,Founder,CTOandcybercrimeexpertatFoxTech Markus Wünsche, Engineering Manager, Processes Methods Tools, Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Industrial Controls & Protection Division, Eaton Industries Chair: Ed Holden 11.30-12.30 ADAPTING TO THE SMART ERA While an increasing number of enterprise companies and some SMEs are adopting digitally transformative technology, the UK continues to fall behind other nations, including the US and Germany. What can be done to further evangelise the benefits of digitally transformative concepts to improve efficiency and competitive perspective? How can clearer definitions concepts – like IIoT, Industry 4.0 Smart Factory, Digital Twins, Machine Learning, Analytics and AI – be promoted more clearly. • AI and robotics: enabling cost-effective production • Taking the step-by-step approach to Digital Twins • How similar can humans and robots be? • Mistakes to avoid when mapping your digital transformation journey Nicc Lewis, VP Marketing at ASOCS Andrew Tyrer and Mark Emerton UKRI Kevin Smith, Lead Industrial Digital Technology Advisor at Made Smarter Steve Brambley Chief Executive, GAMBICA Phil Lewis, Senior Vice President, Solution Consulting International (EMEA & APJ), infor Chair: Andy Pye 13.00 - 14.00 FLUID POWER AND FACTORIES OFTHE FUTURE Today, modern fluid power is an important sector for UK Industry with a large percentage of all production being at least in part dependent on this technology to create motion. With the backdrop of Industry 4.0, fluid Power (pneumatics and hydraulics) will adapt and deliver with the pre-requisite also of safety, efficiency, and environmental demands. Fluid power will be connected, smart and flexible as well as providing safe and environmentally compatible means of providing motion to the factory of the future. We will hear from expert presenters on how both pneumatics and hydraulics are developing and providing solutions for today and tomorrow to our factories of the future. Martin Hoskins, Regional Sales Manager, Bosch Rexroth Martin Costin, Drives & Networks Specialist, SMC Chair: Paul Cooke, Interim CEO, The British Fluid Power Association (BFPA) 7th APRIL 2022 10.00-11.00 THE FUTURE OF ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, uses CAD data or 3D object scanners to deposit material, layer upon layer, in precise geometric shapes. This Talking Industry debate examines the power of additive manufacturing for design, test and production, while exploring the limitations and how these are being addressed. • Is Additive manufacturing a serious competitor to mass manufacturing methods? • Additive Manufacturing is enabling manufacturers to overcome many limitations of traditional manufacturing processes • Revisiting pre-conceptions of Additive Manufacturing Dr Alberto Bordin, ASTM International, Head of Additive Manufacturing Programmes – Europe Prof Chris Tuck - Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange (Also Director of Added Scientific Ltd), University of Nottingham Simon Jones, Chief Technology Officer, Domin Fluid Power 11.30-12.30 INDUSTRIAL NETWORKS, IIOT, 5G AND COMMUNICATIONS Connectivity is a one-word summary for Industry 4.0 revolution. From fieldbus to industrial Ethernet, from proprietary technologies to open standards, the evolution of network technologies has improved productivity and increased the interoperability of communication. Nicc Lewis, VP Marketing at ASOCS Stephane Remy, 5G Solutions Director, BT Enterprise Dr Alejandra Matamoros, Technology Manager, MTC Ste Ashton, Broadband, 5G, and Connectivity Manager, Worcestershire County Council Francois Disch, Industrial Automation Consulting Lead for UK & Ireland at Schneider Electric Chair: Nikesh Mistry, Sector Head for Industrial Automation, GAMBICA Talking Industry Live Seminar Programme The organisers reserve the right to amend the programme should circumstances outside of their control make it necessary to do so. To register to attend Talking Industry Live , The Knowledge Hub and to visit Drives & Controls 2022 please scan the QR code
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