Drives & Controls April 2022

Rittal & Eplan: Your partners for sustainable panel building and switchgear manufacturing. See us on stand E100 5 - 7 APRIL 2022 NEC BIRMINGHAM ADMISSION Free admission is by pre-registration, key client invitation or ticket only. Visitors to the exhibition without tickets must complete a registration form at the entrance to the exhibition hall. The Organisers reserve the right, at their discretion to refuse admission to the exhibition. In the interest of safety no child under the age of 16 will be admitted to the exhibition, while students 16-18 years must be accompanied at all times by a responsible adult. HOURS OF OPENING Tuesday 5th April 09.30 – 17.00 hrs Wednesday 6th April 09.30 – 17.00 hrs Thursday 7th April 09.30 – 16.00 hrs ORGANISER’S OFFICES The Organiser’s offices are located in Hall 9 a few metres to the left of the main entrance to Hall 9. CAR PARKING Parking – pre-booked parking for £12.85 per day via Transport to the exhibition halls from the car parks is by a frequent free shuttle bus service. This will operate from one hour before to one hour after exhibition open times. CANVASSING Canvassing for orders by non-exhibitors is strictly prohibited, and the right of expulsion will at once be exercised. The distribution or display of printed materials, handbills or circulars or other articles, other than by exhibitors within the confines of their own stands, is prohibited. PRESS OFFICE The Press Office is located in the Hall 8 Organiser's Offices to the right of the entrance to Hall 9. FIRST AID For First Aid and Medical Emergencies, Medical Assistance on site is provided in the form of First Aiders; this can be sought by contacting either the Organiser’s Office or the Venue Operations Centre on 0121 780 4141 ext. 2222 – when reporting an emergency, please give the exact location of the casualty and details of the injuries incurred. LOST PROPERTY Please report loss of property, or hand in items found, to the Organiser’s Office in Hall 9. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM The Public address system is for official announcements and Police/Emergencymessages only. It is not available to exhibitors or visitors, under any circumstances, during the open hours of the exhibition. CLOAKROOMS Cloakroom facilities are available next to Hall 9. V.I.P. LOUNGE The VIP Lounge (admission by V.I.P. Badge holders only) is situated towards the back of Hall 9. REFRESHMENTS/CATERING There are bars, restaurants, cafes and sandwich bars located both within the exhibition and in the Piazza area. CUSTOMS & EXCISE Please contact: Tel: 0121 782 5221 Fax: 0121 780 4121 GENERAL INFORMATION