January 2021

"MTPBWBJMBCMF 4PMFBHFOUJOUIF6, 3PXMFZ%SJWF$07&/53:$7 -46/*5&%,*/(%0. 5 ]&TBMFT!BOEBOUFYDPVL XXXB OE BOUFYDPVL XXXNBDIJOFUPPMESJWFTDPN 5PSRVF 4UJGOFT ;FSP#BDLMBTI -FBEFSJO NBDIJOFUPPMHFBSCPYFTBOE SBDLT 3&%&9 IBT EFWFMPQFEUIFVOJRVF$VCJDDPODFQU *UTPSJHJOBMUVSOLFZEFTJHOGSBNFBMPXTFBTZJOUFHSBUJPOBOEDPTU TBWJOHT .PSFUIBO QPTJCMFDPOGJHVSBUJPOT )2('HFBSGJOJTIJOH6QUP QPXFSTBWJOHT ;FSPCBDLMBTIPQUJNJ[FEGPSFMFDUSJDBMQSFMPBE .BDIJOFUPPMRVBMJUZNBOVGBDUVSJOHBOEUFTUJOHTUBOEBSET 1BUFOUFEEFTJHO Unit 3B, Lythalls Lane Industrial Estate, Lythalls Lane, Coventry CV6 6FL UNITED KINGDOM T. +44 2476 30 7722 | E. sales@andantex.co.uk www.andantex.co.uk 1-888-994-2663 www.conedrive.com HARMONIC SOLUTIONS ® ‣ Our product range includes gearheads and component sets ‣ Custom precision motion control solutions for many applications ‣ Harmonic gearing is available in low backlash and zero backlash ‣ High transmission accuracy, high ratio reduction and low inertia F E A T U R E S & B E N E F I T S ‣ Our product range includes gearheads and component sets ‣ Custom Cone Drive Harmonic Solutions ® for many applications ‣ Harmonic gearing is available in low backlash and zero backlash ‣ High transmission accuracy, high ratio reduction and low inertia F E A T U R E S & B E N E F I T S Precision. Motion Control. Technology.