BFPA Hose Accreditation Scheme Members of the BFPA Hose Accreditation Scheme agree to regular independent inspection visits from the BFPA and adhere to mandatory working practices that aim to ensure the production of hose assemblies to a required safety standard. This standard is laid out in the BFPA’s D8 Quality Control and Certification document and displaying the accompanying Scheme certificate means the company has successfully demonstrated that its workshop supplies to the customer/end user a quality product following all health and safety regulations including CEN standards. Zero-tolerance policy Companies that belong to the Hose Accreditation Scheme must commit to having their hose technicians trained through the BFPA Hose Assembly Skills certification programme. In addition, they must endorse and support a zerotolerance policy when it comes to the practice of mixing and matching noncompatible components and the illegal practice of re-ending hoses. As the Scheme ‘s members and credibility continue to grow, this can only encourage the adoption of the highest working standards of production and in turn the safety of those using hose assemblies. Quality is the watchword 44 Customers looking for reassurance about the quality of hose assemblies supplied by companies offering this service need to ask if their company of choice belongs to the BFPA Hose Accreditation Scheme. RIGHT: The BFPA’s Martin Kingsbury with Debs Smidt, Managing Director of Cotswold Hose & Fittings based in Cirencester, Gloucester. Cotswold Hose & Fittings is the latest member of the Hose Accreditation Scheme.