British Fluid Power Association 2023

Four pillars: Health, Safety and Environment Following the BFPA’s strategy review in October 2021, it became clear that whilst the work of the BFPA is robust, relevant and suitably positioned to continue serving its membership well, there was clear recognition of the need for positive change. Creating opportunity and a platform for new, fresh ideas to be tabled, to bring in new people whilst embracing diversity within the association, providing a strong framework for ongoing strategy review and decision making within the executive board, was at the heart of the agenda and discussion. ‘Strengthening the fluid power industry’ as a mission statement became the catalyst to creating four areas for strategic review. Namely: Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), Education and Training, Industry and Standards, Business Intelligence/Industry Insights. Given the mandate for change, the strategy review felt that a broader, more focused review of health and safety was needed to help us drive a positive step change, particularly in communication and engagement in HSE across the association. Further to that, greater clarity and focus on environmental responsibility and climate literacy is something that has become a key area of focus for everyone, whether in the industrial, commercial or domestic sphere. Therefore, it is only right that the Association becomes more active in championing the critical need for greater environmental awareness and understanding across industry practices. Knowledge and passion Shortly after the strategy review, I accepted the role of Team Leader for the HSE strategic pillar and having sat on the existing BFPA HSE committee for several years, I was happy that, across both teams, we had members who were knowledgeable and passionate about HSE and who really wanted to make a difference. As well as myself as Team Leader for the HSE strategy team, we have Team Member Amina Lachehab of Schwer, Darrell Hesse of Husco, Elliot Haram of Bachy Soletanche and Simon Dickinson of Flowtech Fluid Power Services. I feel at this point, it would be remiss not to highlight the work the Association has done for many years in furthering the cause of healthier and safer working conditions across the industry. The Approved Hose Assemblies Scheme and the Fluid Injection Injury Awareness Campaign and Handbook are clear examples of the BFPA’s unwavering commitment to the health and safety of its members. Indeed, fluid injection injury was the main headline topic at a recent seminar for the royal college of hand surgeons in the UK[SG1]. For some further background, it is worth pointing out that the BFPA’s HSE committee has been established for several years and was founded with the aim of raising awareness and driving increased communication and engagement in HSE across the hydraulics and pneumatics industry. It has taken the committee time to gain a clear understanding of HSE across the Association’s membership and how to best engage with key stakeholders such as the HSE executive as well as establishing a clear mandate to engage with the membership in a way that is as meaningful and valuable as possible. The past few years haven’t been without their challenges, and with the variability in maturity of HSE culture and processes across our membership, it hasn’t been possible to communicate and engage as well as we would have liked. That said, the diverse representation on the HSE committee has given the team considerable insight, and with the additional horsepower of the newly established HSE strategy team, I am confident we will see a significant step change in HSE communication and engagement throughout 2023 and beyond. Point of distinction With the establishment of the four strategic pillars, it is important to distinguish between the HSE committee and the HSE strategy team. Out of the strategy review, the HSE strategy team was formed as an initiative to look far more strategically at HSE and how it sits Answering the call for change 32 By Stuart Gardiner, Operations Director, Hydrasun, and Team Leader, the BFPA’s Health, Safety and Environment strategy pillar. Stuart Gardiner: Welcoming a more strategic approach to HSE.