British Fluid Power Association 2023

Scotland to Cornwall to make housing association assets fully compliant in terms of fire security in the wake of the Grenfell tragedy. We helped to obtain a fleet of vans, kitting them out and ordering stock to ensure they could supply the right materials. I then worked to recruit a call centre team, set up the IT infrastructure, undertook the software development and ensured the systems were up and running within a short timeframe to expedite our progress towards full compliance. Halfway though this role, I was seconded into another department as a Business Analyst for eight months to work on transmission projects including communication transformation and system transformation. The main goal was to make the workplace better for the employees. However, with the onset of COVID I had to return to my previous role. Then, towards the end of 2021 I was made redundant. As part of a business start-up, I was a crucial component because I was responsible for all the system development, assigned new contracts, training and procurement right down to sourcing staff uniforms. However, because it had become a fully functioning nonprofit business that was on track to be 100% compliant, my tasks had been completed. This was a very successful project and during its development I certainly honed my existing skills and gained many others. The role also involved keeping many managerial plates spinning at the same time and ensuring all key goals were delivered to deadline. I believe the BFPA’s Interim CEO, Paul Cooke, felt these attributes would be an ideal fit for my current role within the BFPA insofar as the job involves various tasks including compiling information, ensuring all the relevant people have access to this information and that making sure all channels of communication are open and effective. IT modernisation Also, because I have experience in IT system development, including software development, this worked out well when BSI brought out a new system called BSI have encouraged committee members to embrace the use of, and fully understand the benefits of, BSI Documents. Philippa (BSI) and I organised webinars and training sessions on Teams for Committee Members. These have proven to be very successful over the past few months. We conducted polls to gain feedback from the committee members. The early findings were that 15% of people were not completely confident in using the new system, 54% were neutral and 31% felt somewhat confident but felt there was more work to do. However, after most of the training had been completed, a fresh poll showed that 91% of trainees were confident and could understand the benefits of the system. Some committee members have requested one-on-one training sessions which, of course, I’m more than happy to do. Future proofing Essentially, I want to ensure the BFPA is future proofing for standards development. I also want to drive up the numbers for committee membership and want to ensure we are using our systems and the technology we are offered to the best possible advantage. We have to move with the times and simply can’t remain email and paper based in 2023. However, I didn’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable with the process. Learning a new system can be a big task, Moreover, Committee Members are volunteers and I realise their time is precious and valuable, so I want the whole experience to be a positive and beneficial one for them. I’m not an engineer by background, but the skills I bring to the Association seem to have proven to be a really good fit, which I’m delighted about. Also, the whole team at the BFPA have been very supportive and have helped me become more familiar with the workings and needs of this industry. Summary To sum up, I believe the BFPA is now in a strong position to modernise, move forwards strategically and provide an enhanced service to members. If you would like more information about standards or would like to become more involved in standards-related committee work or any other activities of the Association, please contact me directly to discuss: Tel: (direct) +44 (0) 1608 647902. “I believe the BFPA is now in a strong position to modernise, move forwards strategically and provide an enhanced service to members.” Documents. Many of the BFPA’s committee members have been in their roles for several years and have largely had the same processes in place, which were mainly email and paper based. So, I 25