British Fluid Power Association 2023

should be maintained and developed to a high standard. To some degree, although I work for the BFPA a lot of the work I do is for BSI because the relationship is so close. Four pillars Within the framework of the four pillars that were formed following the BFPA’s Strategy Review during 2021, I am part of the Industry and Standards team, of which Neal Milne is the Team Leader. We are all keen to ensure the work regarding standards that we undertake for our industry is promoted effectively. We are also keen to ensure all related information is easy to access for Association members. There is so much work taking place within all the strategy teams, and some really exiting projects are being progressed. Working as a team The BFPA is currently involved in several important standards-related projects. Whatever ISO or CEN work takes place also has the involvement of experts from other parts the world, including the UK. After these projects are discussed at the European or international level, they are then progressed in the relevant UK national working groups. If there is a UK project that doesn’t involve ISO or CEN, this is of course managed purely within the relevant UK national committee. The majority of work our committees are involved in concern standards that have been adopted either by Europe or internationally. As a Committee Manager, I step in and help with tasks such as document drafting and offering suggestions I might have related to, for example, how the committees can run in as smooth and efficient a manner as possible. For example, we currently have a project in the UK run by Project Leader Vince Hainsby. The working group has meetings at an ISO level, which are then followed by meetings of the UK group. So, there is an interlinking of international and UK activity. We certainly work as a team. Following Brexit, the UK remains as active a participant in European standards development as it was previously through CEN. As BSI is still a member of the European Committee for 22