2021 Directory
Foreword May I begin this foreword by welcoming the BFPA members to this new 2021/22 Directory. I do so with a level of optimism and enthusiasm that, at times in our current climate, has been hard to generate. As we all know, the past 18 months have been overshadowed by the combined impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit. Indeed, one challenge as the impact of COVID took hold was the closure of large parts of our industry’s infrastructure. Demands changed as new requirements emerged for products to support the fight against the pandemic. To keep up with this demand, supply began struggling and surpassed delivery dates devoid of goods became an all too familiar occurrence. The turbulence within our industry’s supply chains continued with the creation of raw material shortages, heavily extended lead times, worldwide COVID- related facility closures and both sea and air freight deficiencies, which has now generated a perfect storm; one that I believe may create uncertainty for a while longer. Nonetheless, since the first quarter of 2021, I have heard a steady stream of positive reports from our members regarding strong enquiry levels and confidence that business will be back to pre-pandemic levels by the end of the year. Whilst we are all fully aware of the negative impact that this event has had on both our businesses and our private lives, I want to focus upon the positive signs that we are seeing, both for the remainder of this year and into the next. One of the lessons we have learned over the past couple of years is that companies who will flourish will be those that embrace the ‘new normal’ rather than craving that of yesteryear. Whether it be amongst fluid power companies, Government circles or society at large, the new normal will be characterised by a more collaborative and flexible approach to business, driven by innovation and the adoption of new technologies. However, to drive our industry forward we need to focus on the next chapter of fluid power, its people. Addressing skills shortages, decarbonisation and both the physical and mental well-being of our workforce will be the driving factors behind this. As I write this foreword, there has never been a better time to engage with Government on the skills and training agenda. They are highly receptive to supporting companies that wish to put their time and resources into training a workforce that is equipped for the new decade. I have a keen passion for both education and health and safety matters surrounding fluid power and acknowledge that the world has become more technology focused. I recognise that through education in schools and in the workplace, we can raise awareness about the career opportunities fluid power has to offer. Whilst electronically operated systems become more prevalent in the industry there will always be an important place for fluid power, as no other technology provides the same power and precision required to control today’s manufacturing. In addition, the upcoming generation are far more aware of the decarbonisation agenda and now actively seek out companies with a clear Environmental Social Responsibility (ESR) strategy. To ignore this trend will not only be a drag on the UK economy but will also preclude companies from access to some of the brightest and upcoming talent in the market. We all know the challenge of sourcing the right staff, but with innovation and the adoption of new technology we will create fresh and exciting jobs – jobs that will attract a new generation of young people wanting to be involved in cutting edge fluid power initiatives. Embracing these new trends, augmented with a renewed flexible approach to management will ultimately lead to a happier, more productive workforce and in turn, a more prosperous, successful business and industry. With all this in mind, I look forward to my tenure as BFPA President and forging a legacy alongside my fellow colleagues in these extraordinary times. Meeting the challenge in extraordinary times www.bfpa.co.uk 3 John Farmer – BFPA President
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