2021 Directory
BFPA Minimum Educational Recommendations (MERs) The BFPA prides itself on the lead it has taken in the UK to provide training for all personnel involved in the maintenance and management of Fluid Power Systems and their associated controls. The BFPA Education and Training Committee believes that everyone who is expected to operate and maintain fluid power components and systems at a practical level should have a basic minimum understanding of either hydraulics, pneumatics or electronic control systems to ensure that they are working safely. To this end, the BFPA has developed a set of Minimum Educational Recommendations, called MERs for short, that should be regarded as an industry standard. MER – Hydraulics The aim of the MER in Hydraulics is to provide candidates with the understanding of where Fluid Power – Hydraulics is used in modern society and its importance in the provision of power and motion control. Examples of topics covered include: Fundamental principles of all hydraulic systems Hydraulic symbols, pumps, fluid oil reservoirs, actuators Pressure, flow and direction control, contamination control, hose technology, maintenance procedures Why don’t you take the BFPA online questionnaire to see if you have the minimum requirements needed to work safely with hydraulics. The BFPA believes that not knowing is not an option – so test your knowledge today. MER – Pneumatics The MER Pneumatics aims to develop an understanding of how fluid power pneumatics and electro pneumatics are used in modern society and its importance in the provision of power and motion control. It is acknowledged that in today’s world it is rare for pneumatics to be applied as a single technology and invariably electrical /electronic controls are included as well. We therefore recommend that a basic introduction to electronics is considered alongside these minimum pneumatics recommendations. Examples of topics covered: Basic fundamental principles for pneumatic systems Pneumatic symbols, compressors, airline components, actuators, tube and pipework Pressure, flow and direction control Electrical principles, techniques and symbol Maintenance procedures For further information please visit our website www.bfpa.co.uk
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