Aftermarket Magazine March 2025

Diagnostics 33 MARCH 2025 Stellantis have recently opened an extensive new Parts Distribution Warehouse in Ellesmere Port, near Liverpool, to support its Distrigo operation in supplying parts to the Independent Aftermarket and its Authorised Repairers. With an internal covered space of just under 640,000 sq. ft and 223,500 sq. ft of external space, the purpose-built facility (pictured above) allows Stellantis to keep its Genuine parts, Eurorepar, SUSTAINera and 6XSSOLHU %UDQG UDQJHV XQGHU RQH URRI HQVXULQJ HIÀFLHQW WUDQVSRUW ÁRZ This will noticeably upgrade their supply chain infrastructure and enable a more streamlined service to all Distrigo sites. Using the latest innovative technology, close to 100% of required VWRFN FDQ QRZ EH HIÀFLHQWO\ DQG SURPSWO\ GLVWULEXWHG WKURXJKRXW WKH 8. WR RIIHU PRUH SURGXFWV HQKDQFH DYDLODELOLW\ DQG VLPSOLI\ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ 6FDQ WKH 45 FRGH WR ÀQG \RXU QHDUHVW distributor or visit ANNOUNCING A FASTER, MORE STREAMLINED SERVICE 03065-01 Distrigo New Distrigo Parts Warehouse Editorial 130x190.indd 1 11/02/2025 08:35 TOPDON CarPal Honoured with two awards at 2025 BETTER FUTURE Design Awards TOPDON is proud to announce that its CarPal Bluetooth Car Diagnostic Tool has been honoured with the Gold Prize at the 2025 BETTER FUTURE Australian Design Awards — and the Silver Prize at the 2025 BETTER FUTURE World Design Awards in the Product Design-Technology category. This double recognition highlights CarPal’s innovation and impact on making vehicle diagnostics simpler and more accessible to all users. CarPal stands out in a crowded market by offering a comprehensive, all-inone solution for vehicle diagnostics, designed with everyday users in mind. It provides full-system diagnostics, fault code reading and clearing, battery checks, real-time data monitoring, smog checks, and maintenance services — all through a simple, user-friendly smartphone app. The CarPal tool connects wirelessly via Bluetooth, making diagnostics quick and accessible with its oneclick feature. AutoVIN technology automatically identifies the vehicle’s details, saving time and eliminating manual input. Beyond its functionality, CarPal is celebrated for its sleek, modern design with a unique faceted structure, ensuring both form and function. It’s made from recyclable materials and produced through eco-friendly processes, reflecting TOPDON’s commitment to sustainability. “We are thrilled to receive the two awards at the BETTER FUTURE Design Awards, which reflect our team’s dedication to innovating automotive care,” said Mike Zhou, CEO of TOPDON Technology. “CarPal reimagines car diagnostics, making it simpler, smarter, and more sustainable.” The BETTER FUTURE Awards is the largest network of design award programs across the globe. Within this network, the Australian Design Awards celebrate design-led projects that push boundaries in innovation and sustainability. Culminating in the World Design Awards, the most outstanding projects from regional programmes worldwide are recognized for their contributions to a better future.