Aftermarket Magazine December/January 2025

IN A WORLD OF MYSTERIES, BE THE ONE TO SOLVE THEM! Snap-on is a renowned brand when it comes to the manufacturing of automotive diagnostic tools, the Fast-Track™ Intelligent Diagnostics Platform ZEUS+, provides top-of-the-line automotive diagnostic solutions to technicians and independent garage owners. You don’t want to be bogged down by too much information, especially when it comes to making the right repair. Snap-on SDWHQWHG )DVW 7UDFN WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ ZRUNͥ RZ DQG ͤ OWHUHG LQIRUPDWLRQ EULQJV IRFXV WR WKH VSHFLͤ F YHKLFOH DQG FRGH \RX̵ UH working on. Based on an ever-expanding and validated repository of billions of repair records and hundreds of billions of diagnostic sessions, Fast-Track Intelligent Diagnostics is continuously updated with the latest information, keeping you on the path to the right repair. All the experience-based and OEM information, data, and tests \RX QHHG DUH ͤ OWHUHG IRU WKH VSHFLͤ F YHKLFOH DQG SUREOHP FRGH \RX̵ UH ZRUNLQJ RQ KHOSLQJ \RX ͤ QG WKH ULJKW ͤ [ TXLFNO\ DQG FRQͤ GHQWO\ The enhanced software and data graphing of the ZEUS+ helps you see everything clearly, thanks to the gradient graph display allowing you easily identify spikes or dips in value. The standalone 4-channel scope module delivers ample storage for data samples, with a large waveform buffer for capturing intermittent glitches. One of the most impressive features of the ZEUS+ is its ability to perform accurate and comprehensive diagnostic scans. The system features the latest technology that allows it to scan a vehicle’s entire system from the engine to the transmission, and identify any issues. This incredible handheld tool will then provide a detailed report on detected issues, including the exact location of the problem, possible causes, and recommended repair solutions. (TXLSSHG ZLWK DQ H[WHQVLYH GDWDEDVH RI UHSDLU LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ thousands of vehicle models, including service schedules, repair procedures, and diagnostic codes. Technicians can access this information directly from the platform eliminating the need for time-consuming manual searches. With so many PID codes to search, you can spend more time investigating which PID codes, TSB’s or functional tests are UHOHYDQW WR WKH IDXOW FRGH DQG WKHQ ORRNLQJ IRU WKH VROXWLRQ WR ͤ [ $ NH\ EHQHͤ W RI WKH =(86 LV LWV VSHHG 7KH V\VWHP LV GHVLJQHG WR SHUIRUP GLDJQRVWLF VFDQV TXLFNO\ DQG Hͦ FLHQWO\ DOORZLQJ technicians to identify and learn the resolution in a matter of minutes. This speed is achieved through advanced software and hardware technology, which enables the platform to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. The wireless connection provides increased mobility and ͥ H[LELOLW\ PHDQLQJ WHFKQLFLDQV FDQ PRYH DURXQG WKH JDUDJH ZKLOH performing diagnostic scans and repairs. Not only can you work anywhere within the garage, but you can also take advantage of the integrated camera, by capturing images and videos of the vehicle and its components. These images and videos are saved automatically to the platform’s database as well as the Snap-on Cloud, allowing you to retrieve information at a later date. This saved data will provide a visual record of the vehicle’s condition before and after the repair. ZEUS+ is a sophisticated system that offers comprehensive diagnostic capabilities that are designed to meet the needs of today’s technicians. An essential tool that forms part of Snap-on’s suite of solutions is Snap-on Information System. This comprehensive database provides access to a vast range of information straight from the OEM, including technical VSHFLͤ FDWLRQV ZLULQJ GLDJUDPV UHSDLU PDQXDOV DQG VHUYLFH intervals for virtually every make and model of vehicle on the market. :LWK 6QDS RQ ,QIRUPDWLRQ 6\VWHP WHFKQLFLDQV FDQ TXLFNO\ DQG HDVLO\ ͤ QG WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ WR DFFXUDWHO\ JXLGH ZLWK DQ\ UHSDLU no matter how complex the problem. Snap-on understands that sometimes you need this information away from the diagnostic platform and on a PC. With multiple license options, it’s easily accessible to everyone in the garage. Snap-on pride themselves on the best customer service in the industry. The best tool or the best software means nothing, if you don’t know how to use it. This is why they offer extensive training and customer support as standard, visit their YouTube channel for more information @SnaponDiagnosticsUK The ZEUS+ is an essential diagnostic tool for any garage that LV VHULRXV DERXW SURYLGLQJ WRS TXDOLW\ GLDJQRVWLFV DQG UHSDLU services. Its advanced technology, and user-friendly interface make it a valuable asset for technicians and garage owners. To learn more about the ZEUS+ talk to your franchisee or sales representative or simply visit