Above: Delphi says ADAS represents a golden opportunity for independents Good opportunity Alan Povey, Quality, Warranty & Technical Manager at MAHLE Aftermarket, said: “ADAS started to become more common and fitted in vehicles from 2015 onwards. It became a regulation in 2019 and then a legal requirement from July 2022. In 2020 over 40% of vehicles had ADAS systems fitted to passenger cars. Like most electronic parts, these need to be replaced if damaged and will then need calibrating. Often the OEM workshops charge over £400+VAT for one hours work to recalibrate the system, this offers workshops and garages a good opportunity for increased revenue streams. “Any vehicle that has some work to replace the windscreen or any bodywork damage that has potentially altered the telemetry of the vehicle will require the system to be recalibrated. Plus, any work on the suspension systems or poor wheel alignment could cause an issue when the ADAS system is in need of calibration. Workshops that needs to remove sensors in the front of the vehicle to conduct other repair work will also require a recalibration, for example removing the front bumper or replacing items such as radiators where interference with the ADAS sensor has occurred.” On training offered by MAHLE in this area, Alan noted: “MAHLE offers technicians support when purchasing the MAHLE TechPro ADAS system. This includes downloadable information documents, user guide and online demonstrations. Training is given to any workshop with a MAHLE TechPro ADAS system.” Alan added: “It is the workshop and mechanics duty when recalibrating to ensure the vehicle user is aware of the systems they have recalibrated. Also, the workshop has a legal requirement to make sure when the system is turned off for work conducted that the system is fully working again when retuned to the vehicle owner. Any work on a vehicle to recalibrate the ADAS must use an approved tool to do this otherwise the work could invalidate the insurance and the way the ADAS is working.” For more information, visit: www.servicesolutions.mahle.com/eu/en/productlines/techpro_adas/index-2.jsp Growing market Nick Lauff, Wheel Alignment Specialist at Straightset said: “ADAS has to be considered as a growing market for garages. Tomorrow’s vehicles will take this to another level, as vehicles become fully automated and autonomous. “An increasing number of driver assistance systems are now mandated in European legislation, e.g. EU 2019/214, and there are many more systems being implemented by individual vehicle manufacturers. Offering a wheel alignment check and an ADAS recalibration can provide 44 AFTERMARKET DECEMBER/JANUARY 2024 ADAS www.aftermarketonline.net Below: MAHLE offers technicians support when purchasing the MAHLE TechPro ADAS system