NEWS MAY 2023 AFTERMARKET 7 Follow us on Facebook @aftermarketmagazine Ben Ball returns for 2023 Tickets are now on sale for the 2023 Ben Ball, which is being held at London’s Old Billingsgate Market on 6 December. Ben Ball 2022 sold out rapidly and more than 600 automotive industry figures attended the event, joining forces to raise over £120,000 – one of the highest ever achieved at a Ben Ball. Matt Wigginton, Director of Partnerships, Engagement and Income at Ben, said: “We hope you’ll join us at Ben Ball 2023 for a spectacular evening of celebration and entertainment. We invite everyone in the industry to book tickets and join us. We can’t wait to welcome you to Old Billingsgate Market again this December for the highlight of the automotive industry calendar.” To book tickets, visit: ate-events/ben-ball2022/?utm_source=F_Corp&ut m_medium=PR&utm_campaig n=BB2 Pro-Align is trialling a new delivery service that will put all orders for the Hunter TCX54 Tyre Changer with Bead Press System in transit and operational at a garage within 24 hours. Pro-Align CEO Clive Seabrook observed: “This will help streamline our own customer service as well as helping our customers do the same for theirs. What’s important about this new service is how quickly our customers can start using the equipment to make their business more money.” If the trial is successful, Pro-Align will expand the service to its other wheel servicing products. For more information, visit: 24-hour delivery people: Pro-Align trials new rapid service IGA offers Invoice Checker The IGA has begun offering an Invoice Checker Service for its members, which helps garages to find the best utility deals in the market. Frank Harvey, Head of Member Services for the IGA commented: “With the cost of living and business overheads at an all-time high, getting the best price for outgoing bills is imperative. UK Garages are relying on the best rates, guidance and offers to help control their costs. IGA members can drive down costs by utilising IGA’s bespoke Invoice Checker service, in association with Spiral Utilities Our members can ensure that they aren’t getting caught on ‘roll over’ or expensive utility contracts.” To find out more about IGA membership, please visit: .uk/membership-packages-pr/