Aftermarket July/August 2022 Issue

BY Neil Currie T his job was certainly an interesting one. The strange symptoms and faults the vehicle had all made sense when the cause of the problem was found. When you get to the end you will see how it reinforces what I say in most articles I write; The importance of having technical information, a good process and following a test plan to find the root cause. The vehicle in question was a 2007 Mercedes GL320, and I had been asked to take a look at it for another garage. The customer had recently purchased it as a spares-or-repair project and dropped it straight off the recovery lorry at their workshop. The main complaint was that the vehicle would not shift out of park. When started, the dash dials would start intermittently flashing along with multiple different warning lights illuminated including the engine management light, airbag light and ABS along 30 AFTERMARKET JULY/AUGUST 2022 TECHNICAL STRANGE BREW Neil gives his brain some exercise thanks to a most perplexing Mercedes-Benz problem Fig.1