Aftermarket May 2022
BY Frank Massey W elcome to the third part in my 2022 series focusing on the process and tools that often take second place to the actual repair itself. As often happens. An excellent, yet brief, example came through our workshop last week. An Audi S4 B8 chassis, engine code CAKA, which in plain English is a 3-litre V6 gasoline-powered saloon. The most common mistakes made within the diagnostic process usually occur before picking up any tools. At ADS, we called it a driver interview, but the expression triage is, I feel, more appropriate. Intuitive understanding The real skill required by service reception is to have an intuitive understanding of what the owner omits from the information provided, as well as what they do offer up. However, this can also be due to not asking the right questions during the booking-in process. This problem is further compounded by not maintaining control of time and events. The only control the customer retains is joint agreement of cost, and even that should be at your 30 AFTERMARKET MAY 2022 TECHNICAL PART THREE PROCESS NOT PROBLEM An Audi S4 recently offered Frank another example of why your process is the key element in any successful fault diagnosis
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