Aftermarket March 2022

M ike Schlup, MD of Kalimex, the UK distributors for JLM Lubricants’ range of automotive products, commented: “Modern combustion engines increasingly rely on turbo technology to eke as much power as possible from smaller capacity engines while driving down emissions through greater efficiency. “However, the underlying problem of pollutants produced by combustion engines, in particular diesel engines, remain with these various devices simply trapping the emissions which, over time, lead to increasing levels of contamination within the engine. This puts stress on components like the turbo, as they become dirty and less able to do their job. Left unchecked, the turbo will eventually fail.” Greater efficiency Mike continued: “Another concern is the trend towards shorter stop-start journeys. Turbos, and engines in general, need to be driven over reasonable distances to maximise the benefits of any emission control devices and keep the internals clean. Short journeys can quickly result in a build- up of contamination such as soot or recycled oil vapors, which can effectively strangle a turbo. The turbo vanes become coated in contaminants and in the case of VVTs the vanes become stuck, eventually leading to failure. “JLM Lubricants recommend a preventative regime using their high-quality professional Diesel Turbo Cleaner Fuel Additive. Added on a regular basis to the fuel tank, this will restore engine power and help to remove soot and contamination by lowering the temperature at which the soot is burned off. This is perfect for the short journey driving where the temperature in the turbo may not reach optimal levels. This also protects the turbo, as opposed to boosting the temperature to burn off contaminants, which could cause unwanted damage.” For more details visit Sourcing If replacing a turbo, you need to make sure you use reliable sources. Melett Group Sales Director Darren Johnson commented: “An incorrect rebuild or setting of the turbocharger will have a negative impact on engine performance and could lead to complete failure. To compound problems, the repair industry has experienced an influx of low cost, low quality parts into the market in recent years. In many cases, these components look very similar to their higher quality counterparts. “Premature turbocharger failure will occur if poor-quality repair parts are not capable of performing under the extreme operating conditions of modern engines. This in turn can lead to an increase in warranty returns, additional rectification work, and loss of customer confidence in repairs. It is important that the automotive repair market considers the real cost of using low quality parts, not only 46 AFTERMARKET MARCH 2022 TURBOS Turbos could be both an opportunity and a headache in 2022 GET THE BOOST to their own business reputations, but to the reputation of the industry as a whole.” For more information, visit Common reasons Lubrication is key to turbo lifespan according to Jan Zieleskiewicz, Nissens Automotive’s Marketing Manager: “If the lubrication is unimpaired, they are remarkably robust components that remain extremely reliable. However, if impaired, the results can be catastrophic and lubrication issues are among the most common reasons for their failure. “To assist technicians to diagnose problems and correctly rectify faults, we have developed several online resources which highlight the most common reasons for premature turbo failure, how to avoid them and how any underlying problems can be solved. One of the most common causes of lubrication problems is crankcase ventilation, although ironically, this is an issue that is often disregarded, which is why we’ve developed a specific section to address the subject.” Jan continued: “Turbo failures are often accompanied with, or caused by, problems with related components, which is why the Nissens Automotive programme also includes additional products such as turbo intercoolers, and oil feed pipes (OFP), which, as a best practice procedure, we recommend are replaced at the same time as the turbo. “The turbo OFP is a particularly important component within the turbo system as it delivers the vital lubrication we’ve been discussing to the turbo from the engine’s lubrication system. This ensures the turbo shaft is sufficiently lubricated and cooled, so is key to the turbo system’s correct operation.” Above: Melett turbocharger being worked on