May 2021

MAY 2021 AFTERMARKET 31 cage in the air cleaner. Fig.3 and Fig.4 show the white-box air cleaner and the OEM equivalent. The filter did not fit the housing correctly, so the extra force compressed the media and damaged the cage. Result; Destruction of the turbo. Fig.5 shows the damaged compressor turbine. Now you know. So, after four issues I can, with certainty, say “That’s all folks!” Coming up Next month I’m looking to compile a focused technical critique of the MOT. Is it fit for purpose? Should the test cars be independent? Has current and future technology overwhelmed the test parameters? See you then! Fig 4 sart e p tiv omo utA tric subishi Elec Mit enuine 100% g r d, s. a Mit bi hi El t i t il bl Performance Without Compromise su s ec r c par s ava a e for the Independent Aftermarket t us f ont or e t ebsit t or which Mit t ed and manuf Designed, engineer actured to the high quality s andards f subishi Electric is renowne exceeding the expec ations of car and truck manufacture Visit our w o find Approved Distribut s in your are or c ac or more information. Find an Approved Distributor and place an order by visiting: Fig 3 Fig 5